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"So, Cameron I heard you got Callie pregnant?" She asks quietly. I couldn't really tell if she was mad or not. It freaked me out though. I slowly look at her as she stands at the doorway, holding onto the door handle.

"Uhm.. yee.." He says scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "When were you planning on telling me?" She asks, kind of emotionlessly. "I was going to tell you tonight, at dinner." He informs her, smiling a bit as he stared at his mom.

"Good, well, I don't know what to say.. With Ariana being pregnant, my granddaughter and my son getting his girlfriend pregnant.." She says sounding really overwhelmed and I felt bad.

Cameron jumping up from the bed and pulling her into a hug, I couldn't help but smile. "Ma, I know.. It's stressful. But I promise this baby will be our responsibility." He tells her as she wraps her arms around him.

I wish me and my mom had a relationship like that...

 I slowly sit up on the bed, awkwardly. "We'll talk about this later, I'll give you guys a thirty minute warning before we go out to dinner." Gina smiles as she let's Cameron go, smiling at me. "Where are we going out to dinner?" Cam asks as he walks over to the bed and falls backwards onto it.

"Panera Bread." She smiles before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her, all the way. "I was so scared she was going to yell at us." I say looking over at Cameron as he turns his head towards me, half smiling.

"Nahh, my mom's chill." He says grabbing my right hand and playing with it, drawing invisible designs on it with his fingers. I look down at my phone unlocking it and going onto instagram, seeing my feed.

I see a picture of Hayes with a girl, a very pretty girl I might add. She has dirty blonde hair that is fairly long and green eyes. The picture was of them laying down, she was like kind of cuddled into his side, and they were both smiling really wide.

"Holy fuck." I say reading the caption. "What?" Cameron laughs crawling closer to me and looking down at my phone. "She's hot." Cameron laughs and I look over at him. "She's probably like twelve or thirteen." I say laughing as my eyes scan the caption again.

W. this beautiful girl Jazmine :D She makes me happyyyyyy.

I double tap on the picture and type a comment. 


Which in a few moments I received a text from Hayes. "Hayes has got game." Cameron says laying his head in my lap, I could barely see his face because my phone and hands were blocking it. I move my phone over and look down at him as he smiles up at me.

"Yeah, he does." I shrug opening the message.

- From Hayesss

What do you want weirdo? I'm busy.

- To Hayesss

Who is that girl ? Why was I not informed you had a little girlyyy frienddd? Nd busy doing what? xD You are never to busy to text the queen (;

I place my phone down on Cameron's chest, it moving with his heartbeat which was really weird to see. "My heart beats for youuu." Cameron coo's as I stare at my phone, as it moves.

I glance at Cameron's face giggling a bit. "Your so cheesy babe." I smile leaning down and pressing my lips to his slowly, his hands cupping my cheeks as he deepens the kiss.

I pull away moments later when my phone chims. I pick it up off of Cameron's chest and open the message from Hayes.

- From Hayesss

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now