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Loosing someone you feel like you truly love is harder then words came explain. You feel completely broken, torn, depressed and like someone stuck a knife in your chest and ripped it out repeatedly.

You feel kind of worthless and that nobody can take their place. You feel completely empty.

I know it seems like your life is completely over. But trust me, it's not and you will get thru it. Everything that the one person who broke your heart, will get it ten times worse then anything.

What goes around comes around. Karma never misses anybody. Eventually they will get what they deserve. Sometimes quickly and hurtful or slowly and mind aching.

Welcome to my life.


"So you call everyone over for a kick back and you come up here and pass out with Cameron? Classic little sis. Classic." Angel laughs as I pull my hair back.

I just woke up from taking a nap with Cameron which was amazing. "Shut up Angel. I was tired and he wanted to cuddle. I didn't know what I was doing." I respond throwing my legs over the side of the bed.

"I thought you hated him?" He asks curiously as I grab my phone off the charger looking at him. "No. I did. But things change." I say walking past him and downstairs sitting on the couch. Curling my feet up into my chest and turning the tv on.

Playing Sponge Bob. "Your finally awake!" I hear Matthew say happily sitting next to me. I nod laying my head on his shoulder. "Cameron had to go do a late photo shoot I guess. That's why he left." He says as I look at my multiple messages.

"Yeah. Lame. But now it's just our time." I grin wrapping my left arm around his right and cuddling into his side as I read the messages.

- From Cameron Mofo Dallas

Sorry I left all early before you woke up. I had to run to a photo shoot. Let's hang out soon?(:

-Matt just told me cx aha. & Yeah soon(:

- From Isela Baby

Omg. Luke is the cutest thing ever!!!! He took me out to a fancy restaurant, then we went to drive in movie and after that we made out and went to the beach to watch the sunset ! It was perfect !

- Awh Isela (: I'm so happy for you. I'm glad that you had fun!(: It sounds like a perfect date !:D

- From Nashty

You fell asleep before I got to your house ! Meanie! :( But I still love you (:

- Awh I'm sorry Nash !): Ily2 ! We'll hang out soon ! Very soon !

I smile before going onto instagram and clicking the camera. Holding it out to get me and Matthew. He grins, as I smile widely cuddling closer to him. Capturing the picture.

- My bestfriend >>> yours :D I love you more then words can explain Mattchu ! -

I lock my phone dropping it in my lap and looking up at Matt. "What do you wanna do? It's only eight." I say.

"We could... Go to the beach or something?" He asks. I nod standing up. "The beach sounds perfect." I smile before walking back up to my room to change into my bikini.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now