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"That girl's name is, Kyra." I tell Sam after explaining what she and I were talking about and what had happened a few nights before.

"She sounds like a stalker," He laughs and I shake my head giving him a flat look.

"Sam be serious!" I whine hitting his chest and he nods, holding his hands up in defense.

"Okay, well I think that it's your choice to believe what she's saying or not. I can't help with that," He explains as I stare at the ceiling. "True, true, but like I don't want to believe her, but then again she knows so much that I can't help but believe her at the same time," I sigh.

"Well, you have to get ready so stop thinking about it, you have to focus on what songs you're going to sing, tonight." He tells me and I nod sitting up on the bed rubbing my forehead before standing up and opening my suitcase.

"What song do you think you'll be singing? Well songs," He asks as he texts somebody on his phone. I sigh shrugging.

"Do you like this song?" He asks playing a familiar song. What you know by Two door cinema club. Smiling I nod my head.

"Yeah, I know that song pretty well but I don't know." I say picking out a dress. I don't like having people choose what I wear and how I have my makeup.

I had to make them take that out of the contract, but I do have a stylist on standby if I need her. "You'll probably be seeing a lot of familiar faces in the crowd tonight," He tells me and I nod my head at him knowing he's right.

"I just hope it doesn't effect me," I say softly grabbing my straightener and makeup case.

"Don't let it, you control your feelings and what effects you, I'll be in the front row, just focus on me." He smiles and I nod. "Will do, I have to tell you I'm really glad I still have you," I say before slipping into the bathroom.

I slip into the white and turquoise dress, the top being white and strapless and tighter before flowing out, a white body con slip under the turquoise fabric that stops just above my knees in the front and gets longer in the back.

I curl my hair quickly before doing my makeup. "Callie, let's go, chop chop." I hear my manager say from the other side of the bathroom door.

I grab the door handle and open the door. "Ready?" She asks and I nos grabbing my messenger bag and slipping my phone into the bag.

I look at Sam and he's looking through my phone cases, picking up a certain one. Staring at it for a few moments. "Sam, don't," I whisper grabbing his arm. He tosses the phone case back with the others before turning his attention to me.

"You kept the matching phone case to Matthew's," He says staring at me as I look away. "I kept everything, Sam." I say closing my eyes.

"Why? If you want to forget them and all of that then why would you keep the stuff that could possibly hurt you, with memories." He says and I sigh. "I never said I want to forget them, Sam. I just feel we're all better off with out each other." I say grabbing his wrist and pulling him iut of my hotel room behind me.

A few body guards walking around us. "Damnit Callie!" Sam groans stopping and making me stop with him.

"Every thing Kyra said to you is true, the boys are miserable with out you," He says shaking his head in defeat. "I'm sorry Callie but it's been eating me alive seeing them so hurt and you just happy, you don't see what they're going through," He groans before walking ahead of me. Pulling on my wrist now.

I slowly walk behind him looking at the ground in shame. I'm hurting them.

I never meant to hurt any one. Especially any of them.

"Callie, I love you to death and I'll always be here for you. No mattew how many foolish choices you make, I will be here. I'm sorry that I snapped it's just hard seeing them like that, you both just need to either forget about each other or make up. Because it's really not fair to either of you," Sam tells me before giving me a long well needed hug.

"I'll be in the crowd," He whispers kissing my temple before leaving through a door to the arena. I shake my head and compose myself. I pull my phone out and look through my song choices.

Deciding on the perfect song, just in case I see any familiar faces tonight. Every Storm, one of Cameron's favorite country songs.

I close my eyes and wait for the moment to go on stage, hearing commotion all around me and people telling me when to go on and how much longer.

Finally I hear the que and I'm on stage. Going straight into the song. Closing my eyes so I didn't have to see anybody that could be potential sadness.

As I start to sing the course I open my eyes and see Sam, right where he said he'd be, in the front row.

As I look over the people I see multiple familiar people. I see a few of the boys, I see Jc and Lia. Along with Kyra and Shawn.

I shake my head as my vision blurs with memories, taunting me.

As I finish the song and go onto the next, it starts to get harder to breath as an overwhelming sadness piles over me and I feel sick to my stomach.

I see more and more people in the crowd, Kevin, MarcAnthony, Amy, Isela, both Jack's and then Matthew and Cameron in the distance. Watching me as I look at them.

They don't look at all themselves and I immediately start to feel like shit for doing it to them.

The memories starting to eat me alive.

The sickening feeling taking over and it feels as if I'm suffocating.

I finish the last course before everything goes black.

(A/N- asdfghjkl 600K on this story? öö SO AMAZING TYSM.

Omg so I was reading this Sam Pottorff story and they had his last name spelt as potterff and literally i got so mad. like how can you make a fanfic and not even know how to spell their last name? Makes me furious.

Go check out these amazing people's stories vvv







(If you want a shout out message me. (: PS THOSE STORIES ARE PERFECT OKAY. EVERY ONE THEY WRITE.)
Stay Beautiful -Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now