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Love is such a strange emotion to feel. You feel like you can't live with out the person you love. As if, their attached to you and if they make a sudden devastating move you will be completely crushed.

If they get hurt emotionally or physically you will feel it as bad as they do.

It's so weird yet addicting. "Callie, get up we're all going out to dinner." Matthew says shaking me lightly. I sigh opening my eyes. Seeing my best friend leaning over me and my laptop on my stomach.

"I don't feel like it," I say quietly rubbing my eyes. "Your coming. If we're making Cam go, your going." He says grabbing my feet and pulling me until my butt was at the edge of the bed.

I scream and kick my feet making him drop them. Which resulted in my falling off the bed.

I laugh as Matthew falls ontop of me laughing with tears falling from his eyes as he grabs his stomach.

"You looked so damn scared." He stutters between his laughs. Soon both of our laughs started to become silent because we couldn't even make a sound.

"Shut up, it wasn't even funny." I say trying to sound funny. "Yes, it was." He says standing up and composing himself.

"ugh," I groan grabbing his out stretched hands and letting him pull me to my feet. "Get dressed. It's a fancy restaurant." He demands playfully before walking out of the room.

I sigh and look in my suitcases. I'm not dressing fancy. Hell to the no. I'm so not in the mood for that.

I grab some black leggings and a white tank top and pull that on sliding my sweater Cameron made me on and pulling my white vans on.

I walk into the bathroom with my brush and straightener. Starting on my hair and then after finishing it I apply makeup to my busted face and sighing as I stare at the picture on the sweater.

I pull my locket out of my purse and put it on. Staring at it for a few seconds before walking out of the bathroom and putting my stuff away. Pulling my hair up into a high ponytail and wrapping a black and white bandana around my head.

Tying it and grabbing my messenger bag tossing my phone into it and making my way out of the room to see all the boys lounging around in the hallway as if that's the normal thing to do.

"Ayyeeeee, twins." Taylor grins wrapping his arm around my shoulders. With a matching bandana on. I laugh and push him away from me playfully as I slow down and grab Matthew's arm.

"Still have the sweater and necklace I see." Matthew smiles looking over me. I nod slowly. "I couldn't bring myself to get a read of anything between us... Not even the pictures on my phone." I say quietly as Cameron crutches past us.

"Callie, you guys just need to make up. It's clear that you guys are each others happiness whether you wanna admit that or not. You guys love each other." He says a little loudly. Everyone glancing at him.

"Matt!" I hiss pushing him a little. "I'm serious." He says being dead serious. "I know you are." I say quietly. "You guys need to work this shit out and get together." He says leaning against the elevator wall.

I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. "Not right now my love." I laugh pinching his cheek as he tries to tickle me. I scream hiding behind Cameron.

Hey he was the closests one near me.

"Matt leave the poor girl alone." Shawn laughs as Matthew tries to grab my arm. But I stay behind Cameron pressed against the wall.

"Fine." He replies. I peak my head out from behind Cam and smirk at him. "Thought so, what now!" I say wiggling my fingers in front of Matthew's face.

He reaches up and grabs my hand twisting it, but not enough to hurt me. I recoil by spinning myself in an awkward position so it wasn't twisted any more and pushed him playfully as he rushed towards me as the elevator doors opened.

I bolted out of the elevator, running out of the building. Down the street a little bit before I heard Matthew screaming my name and me being lifted up and thrown over his shoulder.

I groan. "I have to Pee Matthew. Put me down." I whine as the pressure from his shoulder hurt my bladder.

"Should have thought about that," He laughs walking towards the limo and literally dropping me on the long seat. That wasn't the comfiest.

I groan as I put my feet onto Jc's lap and put my head in, Cameron's.

Well isn't this awkward?

"Haha hey," He comments looking down at me. I pull my hand up to my face and shush him before reaching up and rubbing my hand over his cheek.

Before retrieving my hand and laying it on my stomach as someone sat on top of it. I stare at Matthew. "Bitch, get off." I groan pinching his thigh. Making him scream. I smirk going to do it again, he jumps up and walks closer to my face.

Pretending like he's going to sit on my face. My fucking face.

"Ewh Matt!" I squeal as Cameron pulls me closer to his chest, protecting me from Matthew's butt. I turn my face into his chest and whine. "Matthew, leave me alone." I laugh as I feel Cameron's abs on my cheek.

"Fine, since Cameron is protecting you, he'll beat me up." Matthew huffs. I peak up and see him sit down on the seats across from me. Smirking as Cameron lays his right hand on my stomach.

I roll my eyes and take my phone out. Holding it above my face and going onto Twitter. Avoiding my notifications.

But then deciding to open them.

- Your dating Matthew now? Slut much? Who's next, Carter? -

- Sorry honey, but you need to mind Yo' own. But no, Matt is my best friend ('x Don't hate ! -

- Your pathetic. I seen you latching onto Matt as if your life depended on it -_- back off -

- You need to calm yourself honey You act like their yours(x Their not. bye -

- Omg I love you so much! your an inspiration! -

- Well thanks love I love you to (: Nd I wouldn't consider myself that but okay(: -

I feel the limo stop and I groan sitting up and stand up. Almost falling over but Cameron reached out and grabbed me so I didn't.

I smile at him and walk out and wait for everyone to step out. Cameron Hoping out and almost falling because he didn't have his crutches.

I step in front of him to catch him and he smiles. "If you fall, I'll catch you," I smile as he cups my face.

"Its the other way around baby, if you fall I'll catch you."

With that he presses his lips to mine. Gently.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now