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I feel someone softly shake my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Cameron shaking me a little bit. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." He says kissing me softly before walking to the back of the plane.

I glance at him before he enters the bathroom and I see Sara following behind him. I just close my eyes and pray to god nothing happens between those two.

I hear Cameron moments later, pulling me close to him. I open my and see Sara walking to the seat in front of us. "That bitch is a syco." He says into my ear as he presses his lips to my earlobe.

I smile lightly but I can't help but feel that something happened between them. "Did you to do anything?" I ask quietly.

"What no." He replies quickly. Two quickly. I just nod and sigh pulling away from him a little bit.

But he pulled me back leaving small kisses on my neck as I tried to stay mad at him. But he's to good with his lips.

"Cameron, stop." I laugh pushing him away from me and leaning back in my seat.

I watch as Sara stands up and walks to our row, accidentally tipping over nothing and falling onto Cameron.

Just Cameron. He hand pressed against his fucking dick. I grab her hand and pull it off as she smirks. "Take your fatass somewhere else." I snap as she stands up. Cameron shocked that that happened.

"Don't worry, I tried Cameron won't touch me. He's to infatuated with you for some odd reason. We all know you really just want Jc." She snaps. I roll my eyes.

"That's not fucking true at all." I snap pulling out my headphones and putting them into my ears.

That bitch better watch her back.

"Baby, you okay?" Cameron asks removing one of my ear buds. "I just wanna strangle that nasty ass whore." I snap as he pulls me closer to him before he buckles his seatbelt.

I buckle mine and puty stuff back into my bag and pull my hair up into a tight bun. I stuff my phone into Cameron's sweater pocket and wait to get off of the plane.

When I see the chance I grab Sara's shitty hair and pull her back slamming her against the wall and punching her right in her nose.

From there it escalated quickly and all I know is there was a lot of blood, coming from mostly her but my wrist was in scorching pain and my knuckles were bloody.

I feel Hayes pulling me off of Sara and then helping Sara up, giving her a hug. "The hell Callie? Beating up fans for no reason!" Hayes yells. I roll my eyes laughing as I hold my wrist to my chest.

"Hayes shut the hell up, please!" Cameron yells at Hayes. "What the fuck just happened? You did that Callie? I guess you miss a lot when you go pee. High five Cal," Nash grins holding out his hand for a high five which I had to do with my left hand because I think I broke my right.

I feel Cameron pulling me out to the luggage claim and he gets our bags before leading me to a taxi. Nash dragging Hayes away from Sara and to the taxi to.

I glare at Hayes when he slaps my wrist. He smirks and sits behind me in the taxi.

I just roll my eyes and lean into Cameron. "Babe, you know the airport people could call the police and you'd go to jail." Cameron laughs.

"The bitch had it coming. Shes always trying to get with you!" I say annoyed. Causing Hayes to groan. "She didn't do anything." He says.

I hear Nash tell him everything that's happened between me and her and Hayes apologized but I didn't forgive him.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now