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Cameron's P.O.V

"God damnit!!" I scream banging my fists onto the counter as Nash, Alexa and Jordyn watch me.

Nash stepping forward and pulling me into a hug. I instantly pushed him away.

"Don't fucking touch me." I snap backing away from him and pulling my phone out dialing Callie's number for the millionth time in the past few hours.

Of course, she ignored my call. I look up and see Alexa standing in front of me, reaching out and grabbing my wrist.

"Baby, its okay." She whispers. I back away from her. She caused this.

Fuck, I caused this. I made all the boys go along with it, and that only made them loose her too.

I fucked up, I'm pretty sure all the boys are disgusted with me.

I'm disgusted with myself, in fact. "Get out, now. You too Jordyn." I snap pointing to the front door. "Are you going to give us a ride?" Alexa pouts.

I laugh bitterly crossing my arms across my chest. "You can walk." I say looking over at Nash who was leaning against the counter, looking down at the floor.

"Nash! You can't let him do this," Jordyn pleads grabbing his hands as Alexa glares at me. "Yeah, I can. Get the fuck out." He snaps removing her hands from his and walking towards my room.

"Don't let the door hit ya' where the good lord split ya'!" I say as they walk towards the door. I follow them out, flipping them off before slamming the door and locking it.

Ariana coming downstairs and giving me a cold glare. "You bastard! Alexa, out of all people?" She says exasperated as she throws her hands in the air.

"I know, damn. I realized that I fucked up when I fucking pulled out of the slut." I snap at her as I walk towards my room.

Slamming the door and falling fast first onto my bed.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

Without Callie, I'm nothing. Literally nothing.





• Matthew's P.O.V

Staring at the lock screen of my phone, seeing me and Callie as the wallpaper. It was a picture of her on my back on the last night in San Diego.

I feel like shit, I lost my best friend. I feel like half of me, is missing. Like it got torn out, all because I was listening to Cameron.

He disgusts me. In so many ways. "Honey, it'll be okay." My mom says soothingly as she hugs me.

I am literally a mess. I've been crying ever since I read her message directed to everyone.

Everyone lost her because of a stupid mistake, that one of them did.

I don't see why she has to blame all of us, but than again I do. If I had a girl friend and she had sex with someone else I'd want Callie to tell me.

But, I did it for Cameron. I fucked up even listening to him. I was going to tell her, but I didn't get to doing it in time.

I lost one of the biggest parts of me. She's literally like my sister, and I let her go.

Damn I'm a fool. No Cameron is a fool.



Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now