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-1 Week Later-

"Ahh we're flying to Nashville babay." Jc grins as we board the plane. I smile leaning into him.

We're not together but we're talking, so pretty much, we just aren't official. "I know. But I leave after this back to Malibu." I say sadly. "I know, but I'm only forty minutes away," He smiles kissing my temple.

"True." I smile getting onto the plane and finding my seat in first class next to Jc and Cameron and the fan that wanted to kill me and his new years kiss... Oh the joy. I sit by the window buckling my seat belt leaning back and turning my phone off.

Jc takes his seat next to me and Cameron next to him, the bimbo sitting next to Cam and they all buckle there seats when the light flickers on.

"Are you excited?" Jc asks me. I nod. "Yeah I suppose since I've never been there and no because the fans hate me." I say running a hand through my wavy hair.

"They don't hate you, their just jealous." He smiles lightly. "Well, their jealousy is annoying as fuck." I laugh as the plane shifts forward. "It's cute." He shrugs. "No it's not. Especially when they want to rip your head off." I say rolling my eyes.

"They love you, they just don't wanna admit it." He replies smoothly. I laugh kissing his cheek lightly. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." I say as he intertwines our fingers together.

I smile lightly and lean my head on his shoulder. The seatbelt light flickers off after a good ten minutes in the air. I take mine off quickly and turn my phone back on.

I go onto Twitter after hooking up to the WiFi on the plane. Reading some tweets and retweeting some stuff before going to my mentions deciding to tweet back to everyone I could. Hate to.

@CallieDallas Your the cutest & sweetest thing ever. But please. Don't date Cam. I really wanna be w. him.

- Awh babes. I'm not and I'm not going to (: I have somebody else that I'm seeing. :D & Thank u beautiful. <3

@CallieDallas Who are you seeing?

- I will not release this info until we become official or he approves to let you all know. (:

@CallieDallas Your annoying. I swear.

- Aren't you the sweetest little shit ever?

@CallieDallas Gahh. I hate you so much dude. Like you get to be with all my husband's :( They won't even follow me.

- I know where your coming from. But u just gotta have hope (: Maybe if you wouldn't have said u h8ed me I would of gave them ur user. But oops.

@CallieDallas I love you so much. Asdfghjkl. Can you have the boys follow me?

- Yeah, I'll text them all your user name (: I love you 2 bb c:

@CallieDallas Is your last name really Dallas ?

- Lol no. I just put that because I used to have a obsession w. Cam. Imma go change it though :D

I go to settings and change my username to Callie__ then continued to answer questions.

@Callie__ How is it hanging out with all the boys? How long will you be with them?

- It's Amazayn c(: Nd just four more days then I go home. (:

@Callie__ Why are you even with my boys?

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now