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Holy shit is it hot in Arizona, it feels like I'm suffocating. Its making me want to pass out or jump in the ocean.

As I stand up and open all the windows I could get to, it barely started to cool down. I am sweating and I feel like shit.

I've been sick for the past two days that we've been visiting Arizona. Its hot and I'm just drained.

I keep feeling cramps in my stomach but I put it off. I'll be okay and the baby will be okay.


I talked to Matthew yesterday, only because I didn't have the guts to hang up on him after accidentally answering my phone as I picked it up.

We talked for a whole hour and I broke down completely on the phone with him. I felt so horrible for just ignoring Matthew, especially Matthew.

He gave me hints and I still blocked him off. I didn't forgive him, completely but I did say I'll think about it.

He kept apologizing and it made me feel so bad because he sounded so sad and emotional.

I felt like a horrible person to be completely honest. "Callie, are you sure you wanna continue on? You look like your gonna pass out." Kevin says as I turn on the small fan.

Standing in front of it as it slowly cooled me down. "Its hot." I say sighing. He nods his head in agreement as I grab a cold water bottle out of the small fridge.

"How long until we get to Nevada?" I ask Kevin's brother as I lay down on the couch as the cramps come again.

I squeeze my eyes closed as they finally subsided and I sigh. "Just about a few more hours." He tells me.

I groan. I know Nevada isn't that cold but its cooler than Arizona. By far.

Maybe the heat is giving me cramps? Fuck no I don't know what it is and its starting to scare me a little.

I hear my phone ringing again and I lazily answer it. Not caring who it was.

Immediately regretting it as I heard him whisper repeated I'm sorry's from the other end of the line.

Sniffling. It hurt to hear him like this but it hurt me worse that he cheated on me.

It wasn't even with Alexa though, it was Anastasia but they call her Stas in all they're videos with her and I was even more hurt.

He slept with her and has Alexa calling him babe. I read my message from Nash, he kept telling me everything and just trying to get me to forgive him. Along with all the other boys.

They all wanted to talk to me and I just, never replied or answered. But considering I've been in pain a lot I don't pay attention.

"Cameron, shut up." I say hearing him repeatedly say I'm sorry. It's starting to get annoying hearing it from him and everyone else every five seconds.

I hate when people say I'm sorry repeatedly.

"I'm sorry Callie," He says sounding loudly but still emotionally drained. I felt bad hearing his voice because I know its killing him.

He brought this upon himself though.

"Cameron, stop saying that. Its annoying." I say rubbing my eyes. No I don't have make up on. I don't feel the need to when its just me and the boys.

"Sorry, I just I'm truly sorry." He says sighing. I roll my eyes and sigh. "I have to go." I lie closing my eyes as I get more cramps.

Something is wrong. With the baby.

"Your lying, just to get me off of the phone." He responds sadly and I sit up clutching my stomach.

"Where are we?" I ask Kevin's brother as I look out of the window. "We're passing through California. Right now, our home. Malibu." He responds and I groan.

From pain and annoyance. "Stop at the hospital." I instruct him ending the call will Cameron as I stand up.

"Okay," He says and within minutes we're at the hospital. I'm immediately taken into the back, into a room.

I had to wait a few minutes for the doctor to come in with the ultrasound system behind them. They kept asking me questions that I couldn't even answer because the pain was getting worse.

They finally got the hint I couldn't answer the questions and did the ultrasound.

I stared at the screen tears streaming down my face.

What happens if something is wrong with my baby?

What if the baby doesn't make it full term?

I couldn't live with myself if this baby died.

It would be my fault since I have been stressing myself out so damn much lately.

The doctor looks at me with sympathy in her eyes as the words leave her mouth.

(A/N- Its a really short chapter but its something!

Sorry it took to long to update !:(

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Stay Fierce - Carter Reynolds

Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now