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I slowly handed her phone back and sighed. "We'll be at the hotel soon." I tell them changing the subject.

Why would Cameron do something like that?

"Are you okay?" Lesly asks me softly while placing her hand on my shoulder. I just smile and nod my head as we pull up to the hotel.

"Let's get inside before the boys get here. Wouldn't wanna be mobbed." I explain getting out and leading them inside. There was a few fans already here waiting the arrival of the boys but not that many.

Once we got to our floor I took them to Carter and I's room and unlocked my phone. "I uhm have to make a phone call really quick, you can chill in here." I smile before stepping out into the hallway.

I look through my contacts and find Cameron's but then just go to Matthew's, pressing call and putting the phone to my ear.

"Well hello there best friend," He answers and I let a small smile spread across my face as I lean against the wall next to my door.

"Hey," I say softly. I felt so overwhelmed with that direct message. It's really getting to me.

"What's wrong?" He asks me and I can hear the frown in his voice, which just makes me sigh.

"Cameron." I say simply and I hear him groan. "He dmed a fan I was bringing back to the hotel and was like we should get to know each other more if you know what I mean. I don't know what to think Matt." I whisper because it hurt to repeat the slightest amount of the DM.

"I don't think Cameron would do something like that. Especially when he knows you're gonna be with that fan. It just doesn't seem... Logical." He responds.

"Well he sent it, it came from his account and it wasn't fake. Matt this really hurts a lot because we just started getting back to the old us... I don't know what to do. I'm so lost." I say a few tears slipping out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"Talk to him about it. I know he loves you and he wouldn't do that." He explains and I look down at my feet, I hear the elevator ding but just stand there, looking at my shoes.

"I don't even know what I'd say Matt." I pause looking up to see Cameron walking towards me. Carter to his left but slightly further away. "Shit." I sigh looking away from him.

"Ask him about it Callie." Matthew tells me. "Just... Tell him that you know and question him."

"But..." He cutts me off before I could even finish my sentence.

"Just do it, no butts ands or ifs. Do it, then call me and tell me how it goes. Okay? Okay. Love you." He says before hanging up before I could protest. I groan and lift my head up, just in time to see Cameron stepping towards me.

"Hey babe." He smiles pulling me towards him but I just stand there. Is he really gonna act like everything's fine?

"I have to go." I say pulling away from him and going into my room, Carter following me in. "Hey guys," I smile at the girls and they all look at me, smiling.

Carter started a conversation with all of them but Lesly came over to me as I laid on my bed, wiping away the few tears that'd come out here and there. "Did you talk to Cameron?" She asks me.

I just shake my head. "No, I haven't. I'm not going to either. At least not right now," I explain closing my eyes.

"I don't think Cameron did it," She tells me and I look at her as if she's crazy. "I think Madison had something to do with it. But that's just my opinion."

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now