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"I'm really scared Angel, like I'm literally about to cry. I've never had to be put under and I know I'm going to be hurting a lot after." I say into my phone. "Cheer up buttercup. Just remember, I'm going to be there when you wake up with to guys you want to fuck and three other doofuses who love you to death already," He replies.

"But Angel, I'm going to be knocked out. I'm so scared." I say as tears well in my eyes. "Big girls don't cry, you'll be okay I promise." He says, I could hear the positivity in his voice.

"We love you over here baby doll," I hear another voice say, Matthew. "I love you guys to." I smile. "Cameron said hi. But he's with a fan right now," Matt responds.

"Awh. Tell him I said hi and to text me when he gets a chance." I say. I have about two hours until I go into surgery. "He said he will for sure, he's taken a liking to you," Matt whispers. "It's only because I'm just another fan." I sigh.

"Yeah whatever doll face. Taylor wants to talk to you. Love you!" He says. "Alright love you to." I smile. "Hey hot stuff. Whatchu doing right now? Being as hot as ever?" Taylor says into the phone.

"I should be saying that to you Mr. Caniff." I laugh. "Yeah I know, I'm pretty hot. But on a serious note." He coughs. "I hope your okay, and I love you a lot." He says sincerely.

"I'm fine haha. And I love you to Taylorr," I grin. "Your a strong girl. Any other girl I know would be freaking out right now. Then they would be freaking out because there talking to me." He laughs.

"I'll let you in on an insider, I'm freaking out over both. But shhhh." I laugh. "Alright, Carter has to tell you something. Wuv you hot stuff." He coo's. "Love you to, hottie." I laugh. I hear shuffling ans then Carter speaks.

"Your best friend is so cute." He starts. "I know huh," I agree. "Haha. Well I know your gonna do great with this whole thing. And imma be there when you wake up. So expect to see my pretty little face." He laughs.

"Oh I will, but not as much as my best friend will." I comment. "True. But I'm going to wait to tell her ill be there so I can meet you before vanishing with her." He laughs.

"Alright," I smile. "I love you little baby doll." Carter laughs. "Hey that's my word for either!" Matthew yells in the background. I can hear their fans. "Love you to Carter," I smile. "Tell Matt to get my number from Cam or my brother and to text me." I say.

"Will do. Here's Nash." He says before Nash comes onto the phone. "Hello?" He asks. "Hey Nash," I grin. "Hey bae." He says. "What a do baby boo?" I coo laughing.

"Oh you know meeting fans. I'm with one right now. Her names Katherine. Say hi," He says. She says hi and I smile saying hi back. "Is that your girlfriend?" She asks Nash.

Oh a girl could dream. "Haha no, she's Angel's little sister." Her replies. "Oh okay!" She beams before Nash starts talking to me again, "Sorry, but I'm seriously so excited to meet you, Angel has been telling us about you all day," He replies.

"I'm excited to meet you to," I laugh. "Well I'll let you go, I love you and I'll see you on the other side." He says. I laugh. "Love you to bye Nash." I say.

"LOVE YOU CALLIEEE. TEXT ME BACK." Matthew yells in the back. "I LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE. I'LL TEXT YOU," I hear Cameron yell. I smile. "Bye guys." I laugh before I end the call.

- From Unknown

Hey it's Matthew (:

- To Mattchu

Hey doll face (;

- From Mattchu

Not cool, baby doll. Haha. How ya' feeling?

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now