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I open my eyes as Cameron slowly pulls away from me. "Ugh." I groan turning away from him and face palming.

"Matt!" I whisper yell as everyone stares at me and Cameron. "Shit." Cameron mumbles behind me. I grab Matthew's arm and sigh.

"Oh gosh, you guys finally kissed!" He chimes happily but I stare at him with a glare. Which made him frown and raise an eyebrow.

"What?" He says gripping my shoulders. "I-I can't just let him kiss me. I'm not ready to forgive him." I say looking over and choking on air.

Morgan was hugging Cameron. Morgan was so close to Cam. Morgan better watch her self.
Morgan wants to die today.

I turn to Matthew and walk away from him. Walking behind Nash and Taylor into the restaurant. I didn't say a word to any one.

I just sat there at the table when we finally got seated and stayed quiet. Playing Flappy Birds on my phone.

Getting more annoyed because I couldn't get passed 89. The waitress comes and takes our order, so I just order a hamburger and fries before going back to my phone.

Pressing the home button and going into my texts to text Matthew.

- To Mattchu

Can you just bring my food back to the hotel? I don't feel good.

I glance up and see Morgan rubbing her hand on Cameron's arm.

But he isn't looking at her. He's looking at me. My phone buzzes and look down.

- From Mattchu

Is it cause of Morgan and Cameron? Don't let her ruin your night boo boo . Your better then that. But I mean if you really just don't feel good, then I will bring your food back to the hotel with you.

- To Mattchu

Somewhat. But yeah I need to. Thank you Best friend. I'll see you back at the hotel. love ya ××××

I stand up and grabbing my wallet and EOS off of the table and push my chair out.

Then pushing it in as I stand behind it. Everyone staring up at me. Even Morgan. She had a smirk plastered on her face and I smirked back.

Walking around the table and bending down to Cameron. So I was whispering in his ear.

I bring my lips close to his ear. They softly brushed against it. "She's what you want, but baby I'm what you need." I whisper seductively in his ear.

Kissing his neck once before walking back to my seat. Deciding to stay. Because I knew, that was affecting Cameron.

I sit down and look at Matt who was staring at me with an eyebrow raised. I hold up a finger and text him what I told Cameron.

His chuckling a bit before shaking his head. "Now that's why your my best friend." He says winking at me. I nod proubly. "You already know." I laugh.

I turn in my seat towards Taylor. "Tay," I chime in his ear. He turns towards me and smiles kissing my nose. "Hey bae." He says.

"So, you know how I said I needed you to fake date me. Its officially starting tonight." I inform him quietly.

He grins and nods. "Let's make this believable. I'm about to ask you out. So. Shhh." He says quietly in my ear before standing up and turning towards me.

Grabbing my hands and smirking. "Callie, will you be my girlfriend?" He smiles down at me. I smile and nod as he pulls me up and kisses me softly.

"I think that was believable enough." He whispers in my ear before sitting back down. I laugh and sit down to as the food comes.

Everyone was still staring at us and Matthew looked pissed off along with Cameron.

I eat in silence as I feel warm lips on the skin behind my ear.

I can tell its Cam by the texture of his lips.

"He's what you want, but baby I'm what you need." He whispers in my ear.

Well fuck.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now