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"Ewh Danny. Stop," I laugh pushing his hand away from my face as he tries to eat the oreo he licked.

Gross. Not really but still. "So why are you going out of state again?" He asks me once I finally take the oreo and eat it.

"Cameron... Well Nash," I say running a hand through my hair again. He slowly nods his head and sighs.

"You love him," He points out and I nod my head.

There's no point to lie.

"I'll still be here for you, even if you end up with him and spend the rest of your life with him. I'll still be there for you," He tells me and I smile grabbing his hands and pulling him towards me.

My arms wrapping around his neck as his wrap around my waist. "I think you'll find the one. Plus there's a lot of girls out there that would love to even hug you," I whisper into his ear as he holds me tightly.

Refusing to let go. "It just sucks because you're the girl I want." He whispers. I could barely hear him say it.

"Danny," I sigh pulling back to see his face. Cupping his cheeks and pressing my lips to his. He immediately kisses back and I smile against his lips before pulling away.

My hands gripping his shirt. "Let's get to class." I whisper grabbing his hand and walking towards the building.  Him trailing behind me, holding onto my hand.

"Ugh Callie!" Ariana whines walking over to me. "What bae?" I ask as she hugs me. "I'm not coming back to school for the rest of the school year. Cause its really noticeable." She explains and I nod my head.

"Well, I would at least do online." I tell her and she nods. "I will be." She says and I smile. Danny pushing on my back to make me start walking again.

"I'll see you later." I smile at her before walking towards class. "Kevin!!" I squeal running over to him and pulling him into a hug.

"you're barely just coming to school, on Thursday. Bye." He says pushing me a bit before laughing and hugging me back.

"I didn't come this week cause I was having issues. That's why I literally came at lunch." I shrug as we walk into Ms. Powell's classroom.

Danny going to his seat and Kevin and I making our way to ours.

"Cameron? It's all over twitter." He says and I look away.

I guess there were some fans around Cameron when he said that stuff to me. Then some that were around when I was saying atuff back to him and they combined the videos.

So now every one knows what happened.

I've gotten so much hate in the past three days. All because I don't have Cameron to protect me from them anymore.

Cameron is theirs once again. Not mine.

Maybe he will be mine again after this weekend. I'll see him rught after I get off of the plane.

Nash is planning this all out with me. I'm going down there and staying in the same room as Nash and Cameron which hopefully will be fine.

"Lets get to room one twnety-seven." Ms. Powell says ushering us out after taking role. I follow kevin out and we walk down the hall seeing Mr. Yaussy's class following behind us.

Kevin and I sitting together as they explain how state testing will work for us.

"Eat Fruit," Kevin blurts out rolling his R. I couldnt contain my laughter as he told both teachers that and everyone eventually was laughing.

"You're so stupid, but I love you." I laugh fixing his hair as he smiles. "Love ya' too." He responds grabbing my hand and biting it.





"Cameron's in the car," Hayes tells me slowly as we walk out of the airport building.

I can spot Cameron from a mile away in the car. Just staring out of the windsheild. One hand on the steering wheel and the other propping his head up.

He looks so frustrated. I can feel Nash pushing me a little as we get closer and I look back at him suddenly feeling extremely nervous.

What if he screams at me?

I slowly grab the handle of the back door and open it. Letting Hayes get in before me.

I climb in and Cameron looks back at me. His eyes clouding over with an emotion I couldn't explain.

He looked pained but at the same time didn't. I look out of the window as he starts to move the car.

The ride there extrmely quiet and awkward. When we got to the hotel Cameron pulled me into the stairwell.

"What are you doing here? Did you not understand what I told you?" He snaps gripping my wrist as he slowly pulls me up the stairs.

"I got the memo, Cameron." I snap at him pushing on his back as I stop on a platform before the next flight of stairs.

"Don't fucking get an attitude with me." He says facing me and stepping closer to me.

"I do what the fuck I want. You don't own me." I say harshly putting my hands on his chest to stop him from pressing his body against mine.

"Oh yeah I forgot! That Danny kid does." He laughs. Clearly a sarcastic smile.

"You're just jealous that he treats me right and wouldn't ever consider cheating on me." I say pushing Cameron to give us some space.

"Oh fucking well. You think he's so perfect but he's a pot head. Real fucking attractive." He says shaking his head and I stare at him.

"He isn't a fucking pot head. Don't even trip about what the fuck he does! And no it has nothing to do with being attractive Cameron. He doesn't hurt me constantly. He would never consider hurting me either." I say looking at him. Our eyes meeting.

His seem almost black. He's pissed I think.

"He'll never be me." He tells me smirking and I smirk back grabbing his shirt and tugging him down to eye level.

His eyes looking down at my lips but I continue to stare into his eyes.

"You're right," I whisper acting like I'm going to kiss him.

"He's better,"

(A/N- Double Udpate  Wooooo.

Btw this story isn't over and won't be for a long time.

And I dont know what I would write a book about if I published one. Give me ideas!(:


Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now