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As I pull away from Cameron I couldn't help the urge to just kiss him.

I don't think that urge will ever stop. He's the love of my life for fucks sake.

He's always been the love of my life, even before I met him. I've always been in love with him and I truly believe I always will be.

With him I know why all my other relationships didn't work out, because he's the one for me.

It just sucks now because I'm forcing myself to be just friends with him and I don't even know if I can do that.

Well I can, but I can't just be friends with him forever.

As I sit on the bed looking up at Cameron and Matthew. My eyes settling on Cameron and so many emotions just hit me like a ton of bricks.

The what if questions swarming through my mind.

What if Cameron looses feelings for me?

What if he finds someone who makes him happier?

What if he moves on?

I close my eyes and sigh. I'm over thinking everything and I just need to relax.

The stress is eating me from the inside out and I can't take it anymore.

"Are you going home to Angel?" Cameron asks me as I stand up and open the door.

"At this point, yes." I say glancing at him before walking out. I could feel the tension in the room and it was already giving me a headache.

"Kevin, take me home please? I'm not feeling the whole road trip anymore..." I say to him as I lean on the edge of the stove.

He nods and tells his brother who was outside with Marc and Raymond.

"I'll meet you at your house," Matthew says kissing my forehead before walking out. Cameron reluctantly kissing my cheek.

He was fighting the urge to kiss me just as bad as I am. Carter and Nash giving me sad looks before following Matthew and Cameron out.

I sit on the couch and rub my face. "This is just so annoying." I groan. Everything is just stressing me out.

"Well on the bright side, you aren't alone." Raymond says clearly smiling.

Him and Marc are always happy. Literally. I smile and shake my head. "True." I say looking over at him.

I look at all the boys before sighing. I just really need to stop thinking.

For like the rest of eternity. "Where's Mason?" I ask looking under the table and not seeing him laying on his bed.

"I got him." Gabriel says holding him up in the air. I smile holding my arms out and he rolls his eyes shaking his head no. "No, Shelby." He smirks.

I give him a sarcastic smile before suggesting for my dog. He finally caves in and hands him to me.

I pull Mason close kissing his nose as we finally arrive at my house. I stand up and walk off the RV leaving everything in there as I walk into the open garage seeing my car just sitting there. I open the door and walk inside.

Angel is just sitting on the couch asleep. I put Mason out back with Max and walk over to Angel flicking the back of his neck.

He moves and his eyes slowly open. "What the fuck. I was sleeping." He says annoyed as he rubs the back of his neck.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now