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Maybe Cameron wants something new, someone prettier. Madison. Maybe Cameron wants Madison.

Just the thought killed me. As we take our seats at the Panda Express, our foam boxes of amazing food sitting in front of us, I sit down and Cameron sits across from me.

Jack taking the seat to the left of me and Madison sitting next to Cameron. Madison just looked to intrigued by everything Cameron did.

In fact she did that with every hot guy she has seen, even Jack. Truly, it disgusts me. But I guess since she's famous, she can have whoever she wants.

I open my foam box and take one bite of my food and feel sick to my stomach, an overwhelming sadness taking over. But I push it down and take another bite of my food.

"Cameron, remember that time when we hung out at the beach? We had soo much fun," Madison grins at him and he glances at her before looking over at me, looking me in the eyes.

I look down at my food and stuff another forkful in my mouth. "I don't remember ever hanging out with you..." Cameron says focusing all his attention on me.

I fake a smile and shove another forkful of food into my mouth. "It was just last month! When you and Callie had a big fight!" She squeals and I grimace.

"He wasn't with just you, Madison. He was never alone with you, either." Jack says flatly and I smile. At least I'm not the only one whose annoyed with her.

"Babe, remember when I sung to you on stage?" I ask meeting Cameron's gaze and he smiles.

"I remember it as if it was yesterday," He says honestly and I smile, glancing over at an irritated Madison.

"I remember our first kiss too, in the hospital right after one of the boys dared me to do the grind on me on you. Never thought I'd ever kiss someone with so much... Passion." He says grinning.

"Good times," I smile as he takes my right hand and laces our fingers together. Lifting my hand up and kissing the back of it.

"I remember when you sprained your hand and you and Cam were in the bathroom and were about to kiss but we interrupted you, haha." Jack grins and I smile.

"I've had some of the greatest times with you boys," I say smiling. "Unforgettable memories."

"I feel like you haven't even known each other as long as I've known the boys." Madison says to me and I give her a dirty look.

"I've known them long enough for them to love me, unlike you, you'll never have that chance." I smile sweetly. Cameron and Jack both laughing a bit. "Jealous isn't a good look on you, honey."

"Slut isn't a good personality on you, sweetheart." She smiles and I narrow my eyes.

"I'm the slut, yeah okayyyy." I laugh letting go of Cameron's hand and pulling my phone out. "How many guys have you been all over in the past week Madison? To many to count."

"You're all over all nine of the boys whenever you're with them, so therefore I wouldn't be talking." She retorts and I laugh.

"Honey there's a difference between you and I. I have this thing called... Self respect. Maybe you should research it and get some!" I smile, standing up and grabbing my phone. "I have to get Jack something. I told him I'd bring him some." I tell them before getting back in line.

After ordering and paying for Jack's food I sit back down. Madison hand her hand on Cameron's forearm and was giggling.

"Why don't you go wash your hands, wouldn't want Nash' sperm all over everything. Unless you swollow, than ya' know, close your mouth." I smile.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now