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Friday, May 18th

"Cameron, I am so not flying out to Miami just to spend easter with you!" I groan laying on my bed holding my phone up to my ear.

"Come on, then you can fly back with me Sunday night just too be there for Amy's birthday." He responds and I sigh.

"Cam. Just come home and see me.. Plus... I have plans." I say sitting up as Danny walks into my room. "What? With who?" Cameron questions me.

"I'm going to Coachella for the last weekend.." I respond looking at Danny as he stares at me. "With who? Angel is coming out here.." Cameron sighs.

"Cam, chill. I'm going there with a friend from school." I say laying back down on the bed. "Who?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Danny, he's a friend of mine." I say starting to get irritated.

He acts like we're together... "Why would you go there with just a friend?" He asks. I groan. "Cameron, I went too Arizona with five guys. So stop." I say flatly.

"Look, I have too pack. Danny is here so.. I'll text you later or whatever." I say hanging up the phone. "Cameron sounds like your dad." Danny laughs as I stand up, hugging him.

"Tell me about it." I laugh pulling away from him and turning around grabbing my phone off the bed and my back pack.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod following him downstairs. "You sure you're okay with watching the dogs?" Angel asks Ariana as Danny and I enter the living room.

"Yes Angel. Chill the fuck out." Ariana says kissing Mason on the forehead. I walk over to him and kiss his head. "You leaving?" Angel asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I'm kidnapping her." Danny laughs. "You can have her." Angel laughs giving Danny a bro hug. "How rude." I say flatly as Angel gives me a hug.

I look over at Ariana giving her a small hug since she's starting to get a baby bump.

"I'll see you guys Sunday night." I tell them as Danny grabs my hand pulling me out of the door, Angel yelling for me to text him when we get there.

"I swear everyone is so protective over you." Danny says getting into the car. I slip inside to the passenger seat.

"And that's a bad thing?" I ask squinting my eyes at him a smirk on his face. "No, I just know I'd get my balls chopped off if I hurt you." He laughs. I shake my head, propping my feet up on the dash.

"That's true." I respond as he laces his fingers through mine. "You're too popular though, anything you do isn't private." He says and I sigh nodding my head.

"Yeah I know, it sucks but that's the price you pay for having famous or well known friends and being a model." I shrug.

"Ah, I'm seeing a model." He smirks and I roll my eyes leaning over the center counsel kissing his cheek.

"Shut up, I'm seeing the cutest boy in school, so.. I think we're even." I laugh recalling the first day he got transferred there, and every girl was drooling over him yet here I am, hanging out with him. Going to Coachella with him.

"Yeah, I know I'm pretty sexy." He says and I stare at him laughing.

"Don't be cocky dumby." I say as my phone vibrates, four times. "Someone's popular." Danny laughs as I lift my phone up.

Seeing that all the texts are from Cameron. . .

- From Cameron

Callie stop playing games. Who the hell is Danny?

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now