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"Have you heard from Cameron?" I ask the boys as we walk up to our hotel room in Atlanta. Carter, Nash, Hayes, and Cameron gone since they left the Magcon tour.

"Nope. He kind of stopped talking to everyone after he left Nash' house. Text Nash," Matthew says as I lean into him. His left arm looped with my right.

"I hope he's okay," I say pulling my phone out of the pocket of the sweater Cameron got me for Valentine's Day. Opening my text messages with Nash and typing the message.

To Nashty ♥

Have you talked to Cam...?  He hasn't texted me or anything since Amy's party... After he kissed me and said I love you then left. >.<

I sigh leaning into Matthew more, worry washing over me. "I'm sure he's with Sierra or something," Jack G. reassures me and I shake my head.

"I was talking to Sierra this morning about him, she nor her mom have heard from him." I respond raking my hands through my hair.

No mattew if we aren't together, I still worry about him. 

"Well he's somewhere. I'm sure he's fine he just needs a little break from everything." Taylor says pulling me into a hug as I close my eyes.

My arms wrapping around him and letting him hold me tightly. "He'll be fine, this is Cameron we are talking about." Shawn tells me as Taylor rocks us side to side.

I feel my phone vibrate and I pull away from Taylor opening the text from Nash.

From Nashty ♥

Nah, I haven't. .. He's been tweeting? He hasn't talked to me since he left...

To Nashty ♥

Are you lying to me? This is serious Nash.. I need to talk to him.

I lie through the text just hoping Nash would have Cameron call me.

Finally my phone rings but with a private number, I still answer.

"Hello," I say into the mic as the boys stare at me. "Hey," I hear that voice I fell in love with.

The voice I can go days listening to but can't go a day with out hearing it.

"Cameron," I breath a sigh of relief as the boys watch me. "What did you need to talk to me about?" He asks me as I hear moaning in the back ground but I let it go.

He wouldn't call me if he was doing... Inappropriate things. "I just, I'm worried about you," I respond honestly walking away from the group and into the stairwell.

Sitting on the top stair as Cameron coughs. "Why are you worried about me? Don't you have that Danny kid to worry about?" He asks flatly and I shake my head sighing.

"Cameron, stop, please." I say just louder then a whisper. "No, it's not fucking fair you can flaunt that little bastard in front of me knowing I still love you. It's not fair that I can't move on as easily." He snaps at me and I stand up, feeling my face flush with anger.

"Cameron Fucking Alexander Dallas," I pause.

"You are the reason we're not together, you cheated on me. I can't just forgive you! You don't like it if any other guy looks at me, I feel so much worse when you stick your fucking dick in other females. Okay? So please stop because I'm not doing anything wrong!" I exclaim feeling extremely agitated.

"Callie Alexandra fucking Gutierrez," He mocks me and I groan rolling my eyes.

"Look, you know I love you." He pauses and I can feel the pain and he hasn't even said anything bad yet.

"But, I just need to move on and I really think it's best if we don't talk. At all, any more." He tells me and I close my eyes as the tears just slip out with out permission.

"Cameron.." I whisper not bothering to wipe the tears that kept falling off my cheeks.

"Callie, it's for the best." He tells me, his voice pained and short. "No, none of it is for the best. Being friends isn't the best. We're supposed to be together, it's not supposed to be this way!" I cry out and I can hear him sniffling from the other side of the phone.

"I thought the same thing, Callie. I want you to be my wife, the mother of my kids. But things just... Can't happen. You and I can not happen." He says, his voice cracking many times.

My heart hurts so much and I just don't understand.

"I'll never talk to any other guy, even as friends. Cameron please," I cry into the phone. Standing up and slowly walking towards the hotel rooms.

"I'll pack my bags right now and leave the boys. I swear. Please Cameron..." I say trying to sound stable.

"Callie, you're not making this easy on either of us." He whispers and I stop walking in the middle of the hallway.

"Cameron with out you, I'm nothing. You're my everything. You may think I don't care and I wanna be with Danny or whoever, but I just want you. Please." I pretty much beg him but he won't budge.

I see Matthew come towards me, stepping out of his and I's room. Stopping right in front of me.

"Callie," Cameron breaths. Catching his breath and sounding much more sure.

"Callie, I want nothing to do with you, goodbye."

(A/N- Sorry it took so long.

Many many things happening in my life Lol.

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Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now