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"Will you forgive me?" He asks me softly and I press my forehead against his. "I forgive you, but we need to take it slow." I say leaning in and pressing my lips to his nose. "I'd do anything, so taking it slow is just, fine." He says, a small smile tugging at his lips as he hugs me. I slowly nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck and smile.

I hear the door open and Matthew walks in. Smiling like a doofus. "I'm so excited that my best friend is awake." He says pulling me away from Cameron and into a hug. "Me too." I agree smiling up at him as he hands me a starbucks cup.

"It's the mocha cookie crumble frap. enjoy that bad boy, I had to sneak that into here." He says as I place the straw in between my chapped lips. "Do you by chance have, chapstick? Mr. Bad Boy." I laugh and he nods, reaching into his pocket but I see my mint EOS in Cameron's hand in front of me. I grin and take it from his grasp, applying a thin layer to my lips. My lips burning as they become soft once again.

Sam and Jc, entering the room and both giving me huge hugs. "Lia is worried sick about you, Callie. She's so upset she couldn't come see you right now because she has a photo shoot. I think you should shoot her a text," Jc says holding out my white iPhone 5s, exactly like Cameron's. I smile and nod taking it in my hand.

I notice my lockscreen has been changed to a picture of Matthew and Cameron, grinning like weirdos and Nash photo bombing. I enter my password as I smile and bring up my texts. Starting a new conversation with Lia.

To Lia Pooh

Hey, don't worry 'bout visiting me today! Come tomorrow, I'm not going anywhere ;D

I press send and look back up at the four boys standing around my hospital bed, watching me as I lock my phone and take another sip of my coffee. "Thanks, Matt for the starbucks. New favorite thanks to you." I grin and he nods smiling.

"My pleasure, I just figured you'd want something new and those are brand new, so therefore you should enjoy them." He says leaning down and kissing my forehead. "I just want my bed," I whine leaning back into my bed as the boys laugh at me.

"I'm serious, these beds are like sleeping on cardboard." I say shaking my head as I lift my phone up and look through my texts and calls, that never got answered. "We'll try to get you out, tonight." Sam says smiling at me and I nod.

"That would be greatly appreiciated." I say taking another sip as I go onto instagram. Scrolling through my timeline and I see Cameron posted a picture of us that we never posted, it was of us just laying in bed cuddling. Both of us smiling.

I remember taking that picture on his phone, along with a whole bunch of selfies and other pictures of us.

I like the picture and look at the caption,

My women crush, everyday. I love this girl so much, it's unbelievable. I'd do anything for this beautiful girl. She is my everything and SO much more. It sucks fighting with her. But I'd rather be fighting with her than seeing her in a hospital bed in a coma. I've fucked up, many times and every time she has forgiven me, even when I don't deserve it. She is the most amazing little lady I have ever met and I wouldn't trade her for anything. I don't even understand how I got so lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend, it's mind blowing. Just like it's mind blowing on how much I love her. She's my princess, no she is my queen. Words can't describe how much I love you. Come back to us, baby girl. We love and miss you. I miss your smile, your laugh, your voice, the little yawn you do right before you fall asleep, the way you bite the inside of your lip when your nervous or scared. I miss when you laugh so hard you make no noise and you sit there cracking up. I miss the way you curl into my chest. I miss your hugs and kisses. I miss you baby. Love you 5ever.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now