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"SISSY! SANTA CAME! GET UP!" Sophia screams in my ear jumping on my bed. I groan grabbing her arm to make her stop. "I'll be down in a minute. Go start opening your presents." I smile. She nods happily and runs out of the room.

I stretch and walk into my bathroom brushing my teeth before washing it. I grab my phone to see Matthew sleeping on the other side of Facetime.

Awh. I get a screenshot of it before ending the call and texting him the picture.

- To Mattchu

Wakkeyy wakkeyy bb (:


"What'd you get for Christmas?" Matthew asks as I lay on my bed. "I got clothes and a really nice Canon camera. With a couple lenses. My fav fish eye to." I grin looking at him smile.

"That's all?" He asks. "Nahh they gave me like five hundred dollars and perfume and lotion and girly things. What about you?" I ask.

"I'm not home remember?" He laughs. "Oh yeah." I laugh. "Your so blonde sometimes." He laughs. "I know. I'm serious so excited to come tomorrow. But my flight leaves at four in the morning." I sigh.

"It's worth it." He smiles. "Yeah I'm probably just gonna stay up all night then crash on the five hour plane ride to DC." I laugh.

"True. What are you gonna do today?" He asks. "I don't know to be honest. I have nothing to do." I sigh. "You should have friends dude." He laughs.

"I don't. I don't trust people anymore. Plus when I found vine and YouTube I got addicted and pushed everyone away." I laugh.

"You need to find more friends to hang out with. Because I can't save you all the time." He smiles. "Hey!" I laugh. "If it wasn't for you and all the other boys from vine I would have a social life! I'm devoted!" I smile.

It's true. They've became my life.

They've saved my life.

Their my everything and always will be.

"True. Aha. But seriously you need other friends. Your gonna get lonely." He says. "Hello, have you met the people from my school? Their hell of psychotic. And I just don't wanna get caught up in any of there retarded cliques." I say seriously. I'm not trying to end up doing drugs and getting addicted then getting lung cancer and dying. No thank you.

"I honestly think cliques are stupid. But I'm in one with the boys." He shrugs. "Yeah well that's like a clique of like extremely sexy boys." I point out.

"True." He laughs. "MATTHEW!" I hear Nash scream. "What?" Matt asks him. Nash appears in the screen and grins. "Hey Callie." He smiles.

"Hey nashty." I smile sitting up and grabbing my iPod to play some music. Pressing play on Like Me by Jake Miller.

"You should come out here." He says. I look at Matthew who is smiling. "I can't. My mom doesn't wanna let me. Otherwise I would." I pout.

He nods. "I understand. Protective." He smiles. "Yuhp. Well guys I have to go. I have to watch Sophia while my mom and dad go to the I don't know where there going actually. But yeah. I think imma make a YouTube video or something." I shrug.

"You shoulddd. I wanna see you make oneee." Nash smiles. "But I don't have anything to do one about." I sigh. "Just do one like a Question and Answer one. You have like fifty thousand followers. Plus we'll all tweet you questions." Matt smiles.

"Nahh. I'll text you Matt. Same for you Nash. I'll just make a video tomorrow." I smile.

"Ohhhh. I know whatchu gon' do one about." Matt says smirking I nod. "Well I gots ta' go. Bye boys. Love you." I say smiling.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now