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"No, Cameron, stop!" I squeal as he tries too tickle. The rest of the boys waiting in line too get onto Superman.

I don't want too, to say the least. But I told Taylor I would go on it with him. "What's the magic word?" Cameron grins as he succeeds in tickling me.

I couldn't contain the laughter as he kept me standing but continued too tickle me.

"Please!" I squeak as my sides start too hurt from the laughing and the constantly tickling. "Nope, say, I love Cameron Dallas he's the best I've ever had." He laughs.

I stare at him flatly but continued too laugh. "I love Cameron Dallas," I say looking up at him. Not wanting too say the last portion of that sentence.

Only because its true.

"Ehh, that's good enough. Love you babe." He laughs standing me up straight and kissing my temple.

"Get outta' here." I laugh walking over too Taylor, flipping Cameron off as I smirk. Taylor wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"So, I think you and Cameron fucking brought you guys way closer." Taylor points out and I stare up at him.

Almost questioning his theory. "Well, you didn't get mad, you haven't been upset with him when he calls you babe, as if you and him are..." He pauses as we walk up closer too the gates in line.

"As you guys are friends, with benefits." He smirks and I couldn't help but glare at him.

"Nah, it ain't even like that. It was an accident. Shit happens." I laugh nervously because I know Taylor will push it more.

"Yeah, well if it was anybody else, it would have bothered you, it bothers us all because we don't need you accidentally forgetting too use a condom and then bam! You're pregnant." He exclaims and I groan shaking my head.

"Stop. Please. Don't ruin my day," I say looking up at him as he shakes his head at me. "Alright," He says wrapping both of his arms around my shoulders in a hug.

I move my arms around his waist and just stand there leaning into him.

"What ever happened too that fan, Alexis?" I ask him pulling back and leaning my back against Jack G's. "Just wasn't feeling it," He tells me honestly.

I love how the boys are so blunt and honest with me. .

"Wow, that sucks, boo." I say sticking out my bottom lip as I feel Jack G. grabbing my sides awkwardly moving with him in line so I didn't fall as he walked.

I couldn't help but laugh. I hear Hayes and Jasmine, his newly found girlfriend, laughing and saying the cutest couple things...

Awh, young love. "Yeah, welllllll." He shrugs pulling me towards him as we start too get into our seats.

Cameron staring at me and Taylor. Watching our every move.

Sitting directly behind me and I couldn't help but feel anxious. "Don't worry, I got you." Taylor says grabbing my hand.

"Hey, Jack, can we switch seats really quick?" I ask quickly. I need too be with Cameron..

"Yeah, sure." He laughs standing up. I jump up kissing Taylor's forehead. "I'll explain later." I whisper in his ear before sitting down next too Cameron. Buckling up.

"Here, hold my hand," Cameron says softly just before the ride starts. I screw my eyes closed and grab his hand. Squeezing it the whole ride.

Finally, it ended and I felt so sick as I got off. Holding onto Cameron as if my life depended on it.

"Holy fuck." I whisper into his chest as he stops, pulling me into him. "Its okay," He whispers into my ear as he rubs my back.

"Can we just go back too the hotel room and watch movies, please?" I plead and he nods slowly kissing my forehead.

"Guys, we're going back too the hotel for the night." Cameron tells everyone and I see Matthew staring at me before walking over.

"You guys better not be leaving too hook up," He whispers in my ear and I stare at him. "Matthew, stop. Its not like that. I'm tired and that ride made me sick." I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck in a hug.

He stands there for a few moments before wrapping his arms around my waist. "Okay, I'm sorry. I just don't want him getting in your pants and you guys aren't together." He tells me and I completely understand.

This whole thing, reminds me of Jenna and Matty off of Awkward. How in season one, they had sex with out defining the relationship and she was his dirty little secret.

I don't want that too be me...

"Alright, I love you best friend." I say too him and he replies the same before letting me leave with Cameron.





"Please tell me why, you're making me watch this, again." Cameron groans as I put Finding Nemo in again.

"Because, its one of my favorite movies," I grin laying next to him on the hotel bed.

"You're one of my favorites," He says pulling me closer too him. I don't say anything in response. I just lay my head on his chest.

Watching the movie for the third time today. "Can we watch something else?" He sighs and I groan looking up at him.

"Fine. Despicable Me, or Monsters Inc.?" I ask standing up on the bed and jumping off. Grabbing the disks. "Monsters Inc." He tells me and I nod.

Popping it in the DVD player. Just as Matthew walks in, looking extremely tired.

"Tired?" I laugh crawling back onto the bed and sitting down next too Cameron's body. "Very." Matthew coughs rubbing his forehead.

"Anyways, I love this movie. Kay, night." Matthew groans falling face first onto the bed.

I roll my eyes as I lay back down in my previous position.

Slowly I started too get more and more tired, Cameron continuing too rub my back and as I was about too fall asleep, I hear dhim whisper. Three little words.

"I love you,"

(A/N- Omg. it didn't take me that long too write this and I'm so proud of myself.

I love you guys literally so much. I'm not even kidding.

If you guys ever need anything, message me or kik me.

I promise I'll be here whenever you need me!!!(:

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__chyannefisher my insta, Twitter, vine and Kik.

Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

Stay Strong - Shawn Mendes

xxx Chyanneee)

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now