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From Mattchu ♡

I'm in love with you.

Sikeeee lol I'm in love with Ariana... 

I heave a sigh of relief as I type a reply.

To Mattchu ♡

Literally had a heart attack. But for real? Omg. That totally sucks :(( W. Carter and her having a baby like omg. :( Best friend.

I close my eyes as a million thoughts run through my mind. My phone vibrating in my hand.

From Mattchu ♡

No I'm seriously in love with you Callie. I have been ever since you kissed me.

To Mattchu ♡

Matttt. Stahp :(

From Mattchu ♡

I'm sorry.

To Mattchu ♡

matt, I love you but I'm in love with Cameron. I just don't see you that way . :( I feel horrible now.

From Mattchu ♡

Don't trip

To Mattchu ♡

Are you mad?

From Mattchu ♡


To Mattchu ♡

I'm so sorry :(

From Mattchu ♡

Look I've had to live with this for months now. I can handle it. Plus I know you only wana be with Cameron so, idc.

To Mattchu ♡

I'm so sorry okay? I feel like shit rn because I just don't want you to love me.

From Mattchu ♡

Shut up you're still my best friend ♥

To Mattchu ♡

always. Love you ♡

From Mattchu ♡

love you Baby doll (: ♥♡

To Mattchu ♡

My plane's taking off. I'll see you later.

From Mattchu ♡

Yesss Ma'Am (: See ya'!

I plug my headphones in and let music invade my thoughts as I fall asleep.

· Cameron's P.O.V ·

"Why the hell would you hurt Callie? If you love her so damn much then you wouldn't be putting her through this. Pull your fucking head out of your ass and stop her from leaving before it's to fucking late." Matthew yells through the phone.

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "Matthew, I can't stop her. She's already gone." I say shaking my head at him.

He told me he's in love with Callie, then wants me to chase after her. That literally makes no sense.

"Look, just shut the fuck up and stop her." He snaps at me as the door to my hotel room opens and Nash walks in.

"If you love her so much, why do you want me to stop her? You could live happily ever after with you. Like she deserves." I snap at him and I hear him laugh.

"I love her enough to know she's better off with you, she loves you more then she loves herself and she'd go to the end of the world for you even if she doesn't show it. I love her enough to let you get in the way of her and I." He says calmly and I can hear the strain in his voice.

He loves her.

"Matthew I can't stop her." I whisper as the tears start to fall again as I come to realize what I'm doing.

I'm pushing Callie away and now she isn't coming back.

"It takes to words and she'll get off that plane." He says. "And what are they Matthew?" I ask exasperated. He laughs and I can picture him shaking his head.

"Don't go," He tells me and I sigh. "I'll call you." I say hanging up the phone and dialing Callie's.

She picks up after the second ring. "What?" She snaps at me but I can tell shes hurt.

I hurt her. Once again.

"Don't go," I say so lowly I doubt she heard me. Suddenly I hear her laughing on the other end of the line.

"Now you want me? No fuck that." She says harshly and I close my eyes.

"Cameron I'm not you fucking toy. Grow up. Either you want me or you don't. I'm done playing these little kid games. I wanna be with a man, not a child." She snaps before hanging up.

I sit there on the edge of the bed. I can feel Nash watching me. "What. Do. You. Want?" I ask him through gritted teeth.

I hear him laugh and I look at him as he shakes his head.

"Have fun being alone with that attitude." And with that he grabs his stuff and leaves.

Way to go Cameron. You've done it again. You've lost everyone.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now