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I pull away from Cameron and smile up at him as we both slowly open our eyes.

"Well, fuck." Carly says behind us as Cameron slowly places his hands on my hips. "Well, fucking leave." I snap glancing at her behind me as I place my hands against Cameron's chest.

"Cameron, this is your decision?" She asks softly. I can feel her standing up behind me and moving away.

"Yeah," He replies not breaking eye contact. I couldn't help but smile. "Alright," She says before I hear the sound of bags opening and closing before the door closes.

"Ahhh, I love you," He grins his hands dropping down to my thighs and lifting me up, my legs instantly wrapping around his waist.

"I love you, now take me too a club." I laugh shaking my head as he slowly walks towards the door.

"Set me down," I tell him as he slowly tries too open the door. He sighs and sets me on my feet. "Now, let's gooooooo." I grin as he slowly reaches for my hand.

I give him a flat look but eventually smile as he grabs my hand, lacing his fingers through mine.

He pulls me closer too him and kisses my cheek. Sighing I smile stepping into the elevator.

"So, why do you wanna go to a club so bad?" He asks me as the elevator starts too move.

"I just wanna get waisted. Too not think about anything." I say looking him directly in the eyes.

My heels making me barely an inch shorter than him. He grins widely.

"Do you wanna get," He pauses and his eyes sparkle with enthusiasm.

"Chocolate waisted?" He beams and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Totally," I smirk shaking my head as he slowly wraps an arm around my waist kissing my collar bone as he pulls me into his chest.

His face Nuzzled into my neck as he places both of his hands on the small of my back.

Slowly I wrap my arms around his neck. "Callie?" He whispers against the skin of my neck.

I move my hands to the nap of his neck. "Yeah?" I say quietly. "I'm sorry," He says standing up straight. I keep my hands on the nap of his neck as he moves his to my hips.

"For what?" I ask looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry for never being good enough for you, you really deserve better." He says closing his eyes tightly.

"Oh shut up," I say shaking my head. "You're more than good enough for me, okay? Don't talk like that. We just can't figure it out and I just want too stay friends. For now at least." I whisper kissing his cheek softly as the elevator doors open.

I pull away from him and walk out, grabbing his hand and pulling him out with me. "Ugh fans." I groan seeing all the girls waiting outside.

Cameron walks behind me and grabs my other hand also.  "They're going too think we're together again," I comment turning towards him and pulling my hands away.

"So? Let them think what they want," He says and I shake my head. "Let's just walk out. Normally," I whisper.

He laughs shaking his head before ushering me out. His right hand on the small of my back as we get into a sleek black car.

"Can we just fix things?" Cameron groans placing his hand on my thigh. I stare at his hand and lean into the seat.

"Cameron, we're better off as just friends right now." I say glancing at him before leaning my head on his shoulder.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now