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I see Cameron with Sara on his lap in the jacuzzi kissing his neck. It looked like he was trying to push her off though. All the boys were occupied with girls and talking to Matt to not notice Cameron.

Tears welled in my eyes but I didn't let them fall. I refuse to cry over Cameron again. I refuse.

"Matt," I weakly say approaching him. As he turns around he sees Cameron and his face turns hard. "What the fuck Cameron!" He yells at him. Cameron looking up and sees me. A couple fans were trying to pull Sara off but the fat bitch wouldn't move.

Her nose was swollen still and bruised. "I'm not, Matthew wait. Get off now." Cameron yells pushing Sara off into the water. Standing up and jumping out of the jacuzzi.

Approaching me and Matthew. I don't stand there and let him get close to me I just run. "Callie wait please!" He yells after me. I run up the stairs and enter my hotel room. Dropping on the bed and barrying my face into the pillow.

"Callie!" Cameron yells entering the room and pulling me into his arms. I push him but he stays in place. Keeping me close to him. I can feel warm tears on the top of my head coming from him.

"Please hear me out," He says, his voice cracking as he holds me tighter. I don't respond so he continues to talk.

"As soon as you were walking towards the pool I was going to come and bring you back up here but Sara sat on my lap. I tried to get her off of me, but she started kissing my neck and shit. Which didn't even turn me on like when you do it, you can even see. I'm not hard. But then you seen me and that's when I finally got her off of me. I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you." He says honestly.

I can tell he's being genuinely honest. I couldn't help but crack a smile when he said I can see that he's not hard.

I don't say anything just sit in his arms, tears still falling down my cheeks. My hands covering my face. "Please please please forgive me, I love you so damn much. Please don't give up on me.. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me Callie. Ever." He says, once again his voice cracking and he sounded so sad.

It made me think about when he was crying in his video to Chris. I remember the tweet when he said a couple years ago he tried to kill himself and that made it all worse.

I wish I could have been there to help him. I'm just glad Chris was. "Cameron," I pause pulling back to look him in the eyes. "I want you to promise me something. I don't care how much you think its stupid, or that you won't ever consider it again. Because I know you can still consider doing it because I do. A lot." I say whipping away some of his tears.

I hate seeing Cameron cry. "I think I know what your talking about..." He whispers looking down at his lap. Well mine.. "What am I talking about?" I question taking his face in between my hands and making him look at me.

"About trying to kill myself," He whispers closing his eyes. "Please look at me Cameron." I say wiping away the tears that fell, with my thumbs.

He slowly opens his eyes, their glassed over with tears and I can see my reflection in them.

"Promise me, please promise me you will never kill yourself," I say as tears spring to my eyes again remembering when I tried. . .

"I promise that as long as I have you, I wont." He responds. I shake my head numbly. "You need to promise me that you won't whether you have me or not." I whisper wiping away his tears as he wiped away mine.

Placing his hands on my hips pulling me closer. I place my legs on either side of his bare chest and stare into his eyes.

"I promise." He says calmly kissing my cheek softly. "But you have to promise me the same thing," He says and it completely caught me off guard.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now