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I'm done with Cameron Alexander Dallas as long as he's done with me and if he wants to try, I will too.

But I'm not going to try and get him back, if he doesn't want me back.

"Callie, wait, please!" I hear Cameron yell behind me as I get off the elevator and he runs out of the stairwell.

"What Cameron?" I ask wiping away tears as I turn towards him, crossing my arms over my chest and sighing.

"Look, I don't wanna loose you." He says grabbing my arms, pulling them away from my chest as his hands slide down them intertwining our fingers.

"I'm not going to try with you Cameron if you don't want a relationship then fine," I say shaking my head and pulling my hands from his.

"But Cameron I'm not going to wait around forever." I say turning around and walking towards the door. Girls pushed up against it as I open them they pile in. Pushing each otherto get to Cameron. Finally I get through them and hail a taxi.

I unlock my phone as I receive a text from Matthew.

From Mattchu ♡

What did Cameron do?

To Mattchu ♡

I'll explain later, I'm on my way to the airport.

From Mattchu ♡

I told you going out there was a bad idea. Cameron isn't thinking right so please don't takehim seriously...

To Mattchu ♡

He wants me out of his life, I'm going to stay away from him. It's what he wants whether I like it or not Matt, I love that boy more than life and he's pushing me away. The love of my life doesn't want me, do you understand how much that hurts? Matt I can't act like this isn't affecting me. It hurts so much, so damn much. All I've ever done was try and just love him unconditionally.  Yet he can't return the favor. If he starts making an effort I'll try but from now on, he can go fuck himself.

"You okay?" The taxi driver asks me as I wipe away the tears and look out of the window. "I'm fine, thank you." I smile, a clearly fake smile. "So, what did he do?" He asks me softly and I stare at him.

"What..." I whisper shaking my head in disbelief as he chuckles softly. "Only time a pretty girl like you would be this upset, would be over a guy who is a dick." He tells me and I sigh.

"Trust me, I do not look the slightest of pretty right now. I'm an emotional mess." I say pushing some hair behind my ear as the guy laughs.

"You look lovely," He pauses. "But you shouldn't be crying." He tells me and I close my eyes.

"I'm Callie," I introduce myself. He smiles. "I'm Roman, it's nice to meet you. I do wish we could have met a more nicer way, but I suppose I'm just not one woth luck," He smiles and I smile a genuine smile.

"Ehh, a cab is where all the luck is," I smile. "Yes Ma'am. Now, where too?" He asks and I sigh.

"My dad's house," I say numbly before giving him the address. It wouldn't kill me to see my biological father for a little bit. "That's a five minute drive, why couldn't you have said something further? Less time to keep that beautiful smile on your face." He says glancing at me as I smile shaking my head.

"Oh please." I laugh as he pulls up to my fathers house. I hand him money but he hands ot back, shaking his head.

"You'll need this more than me," He smiles as I take the money into my hands. "I insist," I say moving my hand towards him but he shakes his head. He just smiles.

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