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"Ready for what?" Cameron asks. "I'm ready to be in a committed relationship with you no games no other people just us and I just want you." I explain as he sits up leaning over me. He nods grinning.

"Well I have to ask you out first. Which I am going to try and make it the most romantic way I possibly can. So soon my love." He grins kissing my nose. "I think I'm also ready to have to do that.... With you." I say staring up at him as his eyes widen and go back to their original size.

"I want that to be more special then in a random hotel with a whole bunch of our friends in the rooms next to us. You deserve your first time to be the best thing ever." He explains. I nod understanding his point. "Well, I'm ready now." I laugh as He leans down and kisses me. Slowly and passionately.

"Let me make this special." He says pulling away just about an inch to be able to make his words audible. "You make everything special by breathing on them." I laugh as he presses his lips to mine again more urgent then the previous kiss. He laughs against my lips as he slowly crawls on top of me.

You know what happened after this point..





As I wash the soap off of my body I see the door to Matthew"s room to the bathroom open and Matthew walks in. "Did you and Cameron have... sex?" He asks as I turn the water off and lean out grabbing the towel.

"Why?" I ask wrapping it around my body and stepping out. "I know you did." He smirks. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Yeah we did... But don't tell anybody." I say locking both doors and turning to Matthew.

He gives me a confused expression as I point to the ripped condom in the trash. "The condom broke." I whisper to him as he looks at it. "Shit. Did you go get the plan B pill?" He asks worry clear in his voice.

"No, I don't want to either. That's pretty much killing a kid. If I'm supposed to get pregnant it'll happen. But like, I'm scared and I just I don't know what I'll do if I am." I say looking up at him.

He nods. "I know, if you do end up pregnant that kids gonna have some bomb ass uncles." He pauses smirking. "But you'll be able to make it." He smiles. I nod and sigh as I grab my clothes making him turn around as I pull on the shorts and a tank top. No bra needed.

"Goodnight Matt, I'll talk to you in the morning." I smile kissing his cheek as he gives me a hug. "Goodnight Cal. Love ya'." He grins kissing my forehead. "Love ya'!" I grin as he walks out of the bathroom.

I brush my hair and teeth before walking out into the bedroom and climbing onto the bed next to Cameron. Cuddling up into his side.

"I can't believe I just had sex, with Cameron Dallas." I say out loud laughing as Cameron gives me a weird look. "It's literally a dream come true." I inform him as he pulls me closer to him.

"Same, but with you." He grins kissing me softly before grabbing his phone and holding it out for a picture.

I cover my face with my hands and hide in his chest. I hear the sound of it capturing the picture and pull my hands away as he puts not affect on the picture and captioning it.

- Best night, with the best girlfriend ever. I love you babe.-

I grin as he presses the check and it posts. I watch the little orange thing light up millions of times as I take the phone from him. Going to his regular camera and taking a couple selfies then taking a bunch with Cameron. Doing the same on my phone.

I put my phone onto the charger before curling up next to Cameron and sighing happily as his arms make their way around me.

"I love you, Callie." He says kissing my forehead. I smile, "I love youu." I reply before slowly falling asleep.

(A/N- Sike I wasn't gonna write a sex scene, I actually did and then I got hate for it so I erased it.

Alright so its down between




Who do you choose?

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Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now