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I stare at Cameron the whole time I sung the song and when I finished I smiled at him as he grinned kissing my cheek. The rest of the boys taking over as I stand up from Cameron's lap. Him falling suit. I grab the chair and take it off stage and sit down watching as the boys talked to the fans. Taylor and Cameron singing a little bit.

It turned out to be a really great time. But I was dreading the meet and greet part of it. But when it came time I stood with Cameron and Kevin as the fans eagerly approached Cameron and me. Wanting to get a picture with both of us because it was the cammie, then one with us individual. I take many pictures with girls, even girls asking for pictures with Kevin.

I don't think he minded though, he liked the girl attention. One girl coming up with a ton of bracelets on her wrist and I knew automatically that she is a cutter, or was. Cameron knowing to, I watch as he pulls the bracelets off of her wrist and kisses it before pulling her into a big hug.

It melted my heart the slightest to know that Cameron really does care about his fans. He isn't like all those famous people who just like the attention. He cares.

The fans slowly but surely making their way down the line meeting all of the boys. I stood next to Kevin most of the time when I wasn't taking pictures or he wasn't. "This is so amazing," He says to me quietly but loud enough for me to hear over the music. I nod my head. "I know, it's great to see how happy all of them are. This is pretty much all I have ever wanted to do, be in their position, meet them and that would make everything better. I never really planned for me to be dating one of them and be best friend's with most of them, I mean I always dreamed of that but I never really thought even meeting them was possible." I say quietly to him in his ear as a fan approached me, smiling sweetly as she asked for a picture.

I nod my head as we stand next to each other to take the picture. I take my phone out and hand it to her after I log into Cameron's twitter that he never logged out of. "Enter your username," I say as she looks down at the phone in her hands before typing.

Handing it back to me showing me it's on her profile, I press the follow button. "You'll have a surprise on Twitter by midnight," I say to her grinning as she smiled widely pulling me in for a hug. She was one of the more sweeter fans I have ever met to be honest.

I watch as she makes her way down the line. I can tell by the way Taylor really hugged her he found her intriging, handing her his phone like I did. I knew he liked her, well was becoming fund of her already.

I smiled at the thought of him finally finding someone who would treat him right and not use him like a couple of his exes have.. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I instantly know it's Cameron. I turn towards him and smile.

"What's up?" I ask him as he just stares at my face. "I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much." He smiles kissing my nose before hugging me tightly. I couldn't help the butterflies that sawm around my belly. No correction, the forest that attacked my stomach.

"I love you babe." I reply smiling as he holds me tighter. Something was up, but I didn't know what it was.  "Why don't you ever say, to, when you say I love you or I miss you?" He asks me pulling away slightly.

"Because I feel like if you say to that your just agreeing with me. That's why I don't say it." I respond as he smiles lightly caressing my cheek softly. "I'll remember to never say that to you, because I know I'm not agreeing with you. I mean it when I say I love you," He says seriously staring into my eyes cupping my cheeks softly before pressing his lips to mine.

Ugh I hate how his lips can just make me forget about the world. He's so addicting. "I know you mean it, just as much as I do." I say pulling away from him and nodding my head towards the fans waiting paciently for him.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now