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"We have so many fans to meet today," Cameron tells me as I lay in bed with a killer headache once again but this time throwing up.

"But I'm staying right here to be with you while your sick." He says gently rubbing my back as I groan. "No your going, I am to. It's fine. I'll be fine." I say squeezing my eyes closed.

"No, neither of us are. Your really sick Callie, I don't want to take any chances leaving you here alone. At all." He says as Matthew walks into the room. Sighing as he sees me.

"Cameron can I talk to her for a minute?" He asks Cameron. Cameron simply nodding, kissing my forehead before walking out of the room. Matthew taking Cameron's place on the bed and rubbing my back.

"You need to see Callie," He whispers looking around. I stare at him before the tears prick my eyes. "I don't want to find out Matthew. I'm so fucking scared." I say as he pulls me into a hug. "I am to, but whatever the out come is. I'm here." He says rubbing my back soothingly. "Matt it's not even that I just really can't handle that with school and everything.. If the results were to come out positive, I'd be even more of a slut to the fans and they would hate me more. Hell maybe they would even try to take it from me because it would be half of Cameron." I say widening my eyes.

"Callie, you have no idea how hard it would be for all of us to find out that it's a yes when you pop it out. You really need to go to the doctor's or go to the local pharmacy and get a test. Today Cal." He responds as Cameron and Taylor walk into the room. Taylor sending me a sad smile as he looks me over. "We'll talk about that later Matt. Okay? I have to get dressed. I'm feeling a little better and I want to come with to show Kevin what I do all the time with you guys." I smile standing up and walking over to my suitcase that was placed on the couch and grabbing some black leggings and  white tank top that showed my sides. Walking towards the bathroom. Closing the door behind me.

I pull on the outfit and brush my teeth and hair. Pulling my hair into a high ponytail and grabbing my black and white bandana out of my bathroom bag and start to apply my make up. Going with just mascara and eye liner today. I pull the bandana on pushing my bangs back with it then walking out of the room seeing Kevin has now joined Matthew, Taylor, and Cameron in the room. I smile at them and grab my white converse and black socks from vans that Taylor wears.

I pull my socks and shoes on standing up and grabbing Cameron's magcon sweater off of the couch and pulling it on. "Have you guys seen my phone?" I ask checking under the pillow where it usually is on the charger. "Matthew has it," Taylor says as Matthew walks out of the room. I roll my eyes smiling a little bit and ushering the boys out falling behind the group to walk with Kevin. "It's going to be really loud and crazy, so beaware." I warn him as we enter the elevator and security comes. Cameron handing me my pass to stay with the boys and I get one for Kevin from security.

Well I had Cameron get one. I find Matthew in the packed elevator and grab my phone from him. Seeing that he left me a note.

Today Callie, me and you are going to go to the rite aid down the street and getting you a test. Idc.

I stare at him and shake my head. "Matt it's to early for a test to tell," I say realising it's barely been almost two weeks since me and Cameron had sex. No we have not had sex since. I've been just a little scared to do it again and Cameron never pressured me into doing it.

He's such a gentlemen. I smile at the thought. "Then we will go to the doctor's... Callie this is serious." Matt tells me. Giving me a really serious look. I don't know why but it's hard for me to take Matthew serious... I don't know why, maybe because he's never serious? Yeah that's why.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now