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I stare up at Cameron as he slowly walks towards me, with open arms. Smiling.

I am happy too see him but, she's here. The girl he's been posting pictures with is here and I am annoyed and fed up with it all.

I'm fed up with being friends, I'm fed up with just being in love with Cameron.

It feels like its all falling back into the past when I was just another fan, crying when I seen so many pictures of him with other girls.

Being in love with the thought that he'd be mine.

It feels like that all over again, just I get too be around Cameron and the boys whenever.

I feel like another fan to be completely honest, wanting too be Cameron but I can't be with him.

I kind of blacked out for a few seconds, coming back too my senses when I felt Cameron's arms around me.

My arms wrapping around his waist, we just stayed there for a few minutes, hugging each other.

I could smell his cologne, mixed with sweat and the soap he wears all combining together making him smell like an angel.

I take a deep breath and pull away from him looking back at Matthew as he stares at me, a knowing look on his face as Cameron approaches him.

I smile sadly at him before evorting my gaze towards the girl standing there, smiling.

"Hi, I'm Callie." I say sticking my hand out for her and she gladly took my hand into hers.

"I'm Carly! I've heard a lot about you," She smiles happily. She seems so sweet, she is sweet. "I would like too say the same but I really just haven't heard about you," I say frowning a bit.

She just smiles and laughs a bit. "I've known Cameron for a while, we just never talked so maybe that's why, haha. But we just started talking a few days ago," She smiles as Cameron walks over smiling at her.

Kissing her cheek. "I see you too have met," He comments and I nod my head as I feel someone grabbing my hand.

I look up and see Taylor. I grin and wrap my arms around d his neck hugging him tightly.

"Hey, hot sauce." He says into my ear lifting me up a bit. I can feel people around us, staring at us and it didn't bother me one bit.

As he sets me down, I kiss his cheek before unattatching myself from him. "Should we go to the hotel or not." Cameron says flatly walking towards the doors of the exit of the airport.

I watch him walk out grabbing ahold of Carly's hand and dragging her behind him. It hurt, but I'll deal with it.

I wrap my arm around Matthew's and walk out of the airport getting onto the bus where all the other boys were waiting.

As I moved too the back of the bus I gave each of the boys hugs before taking my seat in the very back.

Hayes and Shawn weren't here, yet which shocked me. But I just pulled out my head phones and put on some music.

Sloppy Seconds by Watsky was the first song too come on and I mentally sang every lyric.

This song kind of explained how I feel about Cameron, almost exactly.

I sigh and lay my head on Matthew's shoulder as I let the lyrics swarm my mind.

Invading my thoughts. Clearly, Cameron and Carly are dating and I have no say so over it.

I close my eyes as Matthew wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer too him as he kisses my temple.

I feel sick, mentally and physically. The pain is taking over and I just feel overwhelmed.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now