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I watch as Cat walks past me and my friends on the field with her friend who I don't like but oh well.

It really hurts to see her not even consider talking to me. But I know if I go back now, it'll continue to be the same thing over and over again. Which I really don't need.

It's Wednesday. It's been practically five days since we last talked. Things have been... Better... Without her around.

My friends are more happy now that they don't have to pretend to like her. Which I kind of am happy about to.

Everyone has wanted to just go off on her at least once when she's hurt me. But I didn't ever let them..

Now I wish I did. Because it would have probably opened her eyes. Changed her a bit.

Then we wouldn't be in this situation right now. I glance around seeing my other group of friends, the smart gorgeous girls who I introduced to Jc.

I look at everyone I'm with right now. Messing around all around me while I just kind of stand there not really engaged in their actions or conversations like I usually would be.

I just observed them. Like a Lion slowly creeping up on its pray but them running off before I could Bite.

Weird I know. I pull my phone out plugging in my headphones and sitting on a green power box. Blasting What It's Like by whom I don't know.

I watch everyone closely as two guys I've never seen before walk over to us. Shaking hands with everyone.

I pull out one headphone as they walk over to me. "Hey, I'm Oscar." The cuter and taller one greets smiling. I nod my head at him. "Hey, I'm Callie." I greet before looking at the other cute boy, shorter and had braces. But totally made them look hot.

"I'm Anthony." He smiles. I nod. "Nice to meet you guys. Friends with the boys I see?" I ask gesturing to all the guys around me.

They nod slowly. "Kind of. We're closer to Angel, your brother then them." Oscar explains.

How did Angel not tell me about these sexy gods.

Shut up you have Jc...

But their so cute.

Ugh. Jc. Jc. Jc.

No... Oscar and Anthony.

"How come he never brought you guys over?" I ask astonished stopping the battle going on in my head.

Anthony laughs a bit. "He did. You were just with that weirdo." He says. I take this information in. Processing this.

Then it clicks. These boys have been Angel's friends since sixth grade! "Oh my gosh! I remember you guys! Gahh. I used to like fangirl to Cat, that weirdo who I'm no longer friends with, about you guys and how cute you were." I laugh pushing my hair behind my ear and biting my lip.

"What happened between you to? She was literally your bestfriend." Anthony says. "Long story haha." I say glancing at her from a far.

"What happened to her? She... Looks uglier then in seventh grade." Oscar laughs. I shrug. "Because she turned ugly while I turned fabulous. Only one can be fab in a friendship." I say trying to sound sassy as I dramatically flip my hair over my shoulder.

Causing them both to crack up. "True true. You look amazing by the way. Puberty definitely did you well," Oscar comments as I turn my music off tossing my phone in my bag with the headphones.

I grin. "Same goes for both of you," I smile standing up. "Does Angel know you guys are back in town?" I ask dusting my denim high waisted pants off. "Nahh, we barely came back this weekend." Anthony informs me as we walk towards the hallways filled with classrooms.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now