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Kevin blankly stared at me for a few moments. I laughed and shook my head. "Naww, I'm just kidding. But let's leave California, at least?" I grin as he nods his head yes.

"But we have to stop by your house to get clothes and stuff, you know?" He asks me and I nod slowly.

"Yeah, well Angel won't be home for a couple hours." I inform him and he nods his head slowly.

"So, we gonna drive to another state or...?" He asks me as we pull up to his house. "Drive to another state considering I have Mason and I'm pregnant." I merely whisper.

The last statement just slipping out. I mean he knows but still. I don't like saying it.

Especially now that me and Cameron are officially over. For good.

And considering the fact I'm not talking to any of the boys at this point.

They kept a huge secret from me, they know right from wrong. I don't care what they're excuses are. . They still kept it from me.

I follow Kevin into his house and up to his room, so he could pack. "We should just travel to a whole bunch of states with the boys?" He suggests and I shrug laying on his bed as he stuffs clothes and things he would need into a few bags and a suitcase.

"The boys... As in?" I ask. I know who he meant but I just wanted to see who all he'd invite.

"Marc, Gabe, Raymond, Luis, and Daniel?" He suggests and I nod my head. "You have to text them because my phone won't stop blowing up." I say looking at the lock screen.

Seeing a picture of me and Matthew. I quickly unlock my phone and change it to a picture of me and Mason I was lucky enough to get.

Then changing my home screen from the picture of me and Cameron to one of me and Kevin and those boys.

I had gotten in at school when we returned from spring break. I dropped out to do online school since I didn't want anybody to know about the pregnancy and every girl I didn't know were questioning me in the halls.

"Right, I gotchu." Kevin says pulling his phone out and sending a group text I'm guessing. "We should invite David," I say after a few moments of silence and Kevin looks up at me.

Wearily. "David... As in your ex?" He asks me shocked. I nod my head yes and sigh. "David should come. I miss him." I smile standing up from his bed and tugging my jeans up on my hips.

"Okay, you can call him from my phone." He says tossing me his black iPhone 4s. I laugh at how bad the screen is cracked.

I type in the number considering I still have it memorized. Pressing call I press his phone to my ear as we walk down to the living room where his parents and brother are sitting down.

"Hello," David says into the phone. Damn I've missed his voice... "Hey, its me." I smile.

"Well me, hello." He laughs. "Haha. I have a question." I say biting my lip as he coughs on the other end.

"And... That is?" He asks me. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "Do you wanna go on this trip with me and my friends, were visiting different states.." I say closing my eyes as I think of Cameron.

"Your doing this, why?" He asks knowing there's a reason behind it. "I'll tell you later? Just come please?" I ask softly.

"Of course, I've missed you." He responds as Kevin dangles keys in front of my face. "I've been to busy to miss you." I laugh following Kevin out of his house.

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