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I watched her as the words left her mouth and everything became blurred.

"I'm so sorry, but your having a miscarriage." She says sadly as I stare up at the ceiling.

I caused this too happen by stressing myself out.

I killed my baby.

"You will be spotting and in the spots or the blood there will be bigger blood cloats in it." She informs me and I close my eyes as I move my hands over my face.

The tears burning my eyes. "We'll get your discharge papers ready, I'm so sorry for your lose." She says squeeszing my arm softly in a sympathetic way.

I sit up and stand up from the bed as the tears fell from my eyes. Kevin hugging me as I just broke down in his arms.

I'm literally loosing everything and everyone.

I lost Cat, completely and forever. I lost the boys, for good and now I just lost my first child.

Maybe I don't deserve to have anything that makes me happy.

"Sign here please." The short nurse says softly from behind me. I turn towards her picking up the pen and signing my name in all the spots I needed too. Tears falling out of the paper.

I wipe the tears away and walk out of the hospital. But as I made my way to the RV I see Cameron literally running towards me.

I stood still watching him as he gets closer. "Callie, what's going on?" He asks me softly as he stands in front of me. I see in the corner of my eye Matthew, Nash and Carter all walking over to us.

Kevin standing defensively next to me. "I-Uhm-There's... Its..." I stutter as the tears started to fall once again and I had to look away from him.

I couldn't find the strength to just say it. I am already dying inside.

Everything just catching up in this moment and I was on the point of falling apart. Completely.

I wait a few moments before lifting my head up, my eyes meeting his. I couldn't help but notice the dark circles under his eyes.

The pain and guilt in his eyes as he stared at me. By this point my body is shaking slightly as my lip trembles.

"Cameron.." I barely whisper. But he heard me and slowly, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Instantly I pushed him away. I'm beyond pissed at him and I don't need him right now.

I can't need him, actually. "No, don't do that." I say shaking my head. "I, I have to go." I say moving around him and the three boys standing behind him.

Jogging over to the RV, using the little strength I had left to make it inside. Walking into the back bed room and falling onto the bed.

Everything, inside of me, my emotions and my walls shattering into a million pieces.

I couldn't think straight and it was starting to feel hard to breath.

Standing up, hyperventilating. Pacing at the tiny walkway between the bed and the closet.

I felt weak and so worthless in the moment. "Callie, calm down. Shh." Matthew says entering the room. I didn't care about him keeping the secret from me at this point.

He's what keeps me going. "M..Matt." I stutter as he pulls me into a warm hug. My tears staining his white shirt.

"I... I. I forgive you for everything. I'm sorry." I whisper into his chest as he pulls me closer to him. Moving us side to side.

"That's not what matters right now Callie. What matters right now is you calming down." He says kissing my forehead.

"How can I calm down Matt? I ruin everything! Everything." I say becoming angry with myself and with everything that's hurting me.

Emotionally and physically. "No, you don't. So don't say that." He says as I pull away from him raking my hands through my hair.

Tugging at it frustratedly. "I killed my baby Matthew, I stressed myself out to the max that it killed the baby! I'm a murderer." I say my voice cracking and my anger subsiding as he stares at me for a moment, emotionlessly.

"You didn't do it, if everybody didn't make you upset then you wouldn't have had a reason to be stressed out. Everybody caused this. Plus, god wouldn't have made you loose the baby if he thought you couldnt handle it. There's a reason why he did it. He has a reason for everything. He has everything planned out for you." Matthew says hugging me again as the tears kept falling.

Matthew is right... He's always right.

"You should also, forgive the boys because life is too short to waste your time holding grudges and hating people." He tells me.

"I can forgive all the boys. Except Cameron. I can't be with him anymore. I don't even know if I can be friends with him, like... I just don't know." I whisper as the door opens and Cameron steps in the room.

He had tears in his eyes as he stares at me. "I heard everything." He whispers looking so done and upset with life.

With me. "Can... We at least be friends and put this all behind us? I lost the baby, and I can't loose you too, completely." He says and I slowly pull away from Matthew.

I couldn't help the feelings I have for him, becoming stronger in that moment.

He's always fought for me. Always. "Friends." I say softly walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist.

I still love him, so much.

All I want to do is just be with him forever but I don't think that we can be together anymore. For now. I hope. I don't want to completely loose any one of them.

Especially Cameron and Matthew.

They are what keeps me going.

They are my hero's, yet they don't realise it.

But I think staying friends with Cameron will help things. .

Friends with Cameron? Let's see how long that'll last.

(A/N- So... I know you guys probably hate me for making her loose the baby...

But, its way too early in the story for them to be having a baby...

Plus I have so much stuff planned for this story!!!

Ugh I love you guys. ^___^

30 Votes for the next chapter!(:

Smile. It gets better. - Cameron Dallas

Stay beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now