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- One Year Later -

"Oh my gosh! Callie! Can I get a picture?!" A young girl asks me, smiling widely as I walk off stage. "Sure thing," I smile, taking her phone from her shakey hand and holding it out, smiling with her. Snapping a few different pictures before signing some things for a few fans.

"Do you miss them?" A fan asks and I give her a questioning look. "Who are you refurring too?" I ask her and she sighs. "You don't have much time to talk," She says and I grab her wrist pulling her back stage with me.

She caught my attention, not by the attention but her piercing blue eyes, blonde hair and she just caught my attention, the question also catching my totally off guard. "Who?" I ask once again and she looks at me, such intensity in her eyes.

"You don't even know who I'm referring too?" She asks flatly but her eyes held sadness. "I'm afraid not." I say shaking my head and she smiles. "Then you don't miss them," She says shaking her head at me. "Who?" I ask once again and sigh.

"The boys," She says, her voice holding such a strong amount of force with those two words. "What boys?" I question but I have a feeling I know exactly who she is talking about.

"You know who I am talking about, the ones you left behind all because he didn't want to hurt you. The ones that spent endless nights crying because they missed you, the ones that can't go a day with out thinking about you. Those boys." She says, anger flooding out of every word and I close my eyes putting my head down in shame.

"I did it for the best," I whisper. She laughs and I feel more ashamed of myself for doing it. "Just like Cameron left you for the best, was it the best, Callie? Was your decision the best? Do you even care about them anymore? Why would you put them through such hell and pain? You were family to them. You were Cameron's lover, he regrets everything every day. You don't even understand half of the pain they are all going to, to this day." She snaps and I look at her.

"You even stopped talking to Angel, your own brother." She says shaking her head in disgust. "I think about it, I think about them every day of my life, I love them. But I did what I had to do to get better. I don't let the pain of not having them around eat me alive. They should understand why I did it. They are better off with out me," I snap at her.

"Just like you were better off without Cameron," She says almost mocking me. Mocking Cameron. "Ariana had a little girl, by the way, her name is Alexandra, Ariana and Carter missed you so much they named their daughter after you, your middle name. Cameron? Yeah he acts like he's fine but the depression is slowly eating him from the inside out." She pauses and shakes her head at me once more before going on.

"Your best friend, Matthew, he isn't doing the greatest. He blames himself." She says in disgust. "They'd do anything to have you back in their life, but you're to self centered to give a fuck about the people who care," She says harshly before walking towards the door.

"How the hell do you know all of this? Let alone how do you even know me well enough to judge me?" I snap at her as she slowly turns around to face me. "I'm Kyra, Shawn's fiance." She says and I stare at her. "You were never around when I was there." I say shaking my head at her.

"Yeah, actually I was. I was always in the crowd. Shawn didn't want me around like that so I pretended to be a fan and let me tell you, you learn a lot being around girls like that." She smiles and leaves.

Just leaves like that. I stand there, just standing there shocked. "Hey, Callie, you alright?" I hear someone ask me, turning around I see Roman and sigh nodding my head. "Let's just get out of here." I smile following him out of the building, onto the tour bus.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now