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"You really are amazing Oscar," I comment as I lay next to him on my bed as we watch movies. It's only been a few hours since me and Jc broke up and I honestly, haven't cried once.

Oscar has made me forget about the pain and just is truly amazing. "That's you," He laughs cuddling closer to me on the bed.

I grin and kiss his cheek, slowly pulling away. "Thanks for everything today," I smile.

"Anything for you," He grins.


"Hey Cam," I greet as I walk into teen vogue the next day. "Hey," He grins hugging me.

I smile lightly. I did miss his hugs. Their always warm and comforting. "How are you babe?" He asks pulling me onto his lap after he sits down.

I shrug. "Me and Jc broke up. Which is.. Good I guess. There's this guy I really wanna be with." I say lying.

But I need him to think I wanna be with him. "Nd who is that?" He asks. I grin kissing the corner of his mouth. The usual warm feeling spreading across my lips.

"You," I lie smiling a clearly fake smile. "Really?" He beams. Overjoyed. While I was just wanting to break his heart like he did mine.

I nod slowly. Almost reassuring myself instead of him. But he believed me. "We have to take things slow... So, for starters. Will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asks grinning.

Shit. I'm supposed to go to the beach with Isela tonight. Ugh.

"Uhm tonight isn't a good night for me." I say pushing my straightened hair behind my ear. "Okay then. How about tomorrow?" He asks. I don't think I have anything planned...

"Yeah. Works for me." I smile leaning my head on his shoulder. He snakes his arms around my waist.

I do miss the little moments like this.

"You know... You giving me another chance. Really means everything to me." He informs me. Not if you knew what is coming your way.

"Yeah Mhm." I nod playing with his hair. Which is starting to get long again. "You being here, means everything to me." He says rubbing my back.

I nod again. "Well Cammie. I'd love to stay and chat... But I have places to be." I say standing up and kissing his cheek before saying bye and walking out to my car that Angel surprised me with yesterday night.

It's a pitch black Mustang GT 2014. The windows tinted. The hood has that weird looking thing that sinks in. Then on the windows it has those covers that kind of protect the back windows.

It's an amazing car. I love it already.

Plus it's fast and I've ALWAYS wanted a mustang. Ever since I was little. I don't know how he paid for it. But it's truly one of the most amazing presents I've ever gotten.

I glance at the clock seeing that it's already six. I pull my phone out before turning my car on. Letting it warm up as I call Isela.

The phone connecting to the car and the car transferring through out the car. "Hey," She greets once she answers. I put the car into drive and move onto the street.

"Hey. Do you need me to bring anything?" I ask stopping at a stoplight and texting Luke to see if he is still coming to surprise her.

"Uhm no. Not that I know of. Can you pick up Starbucks?" She asks as I turn when the light turns green. "Mhm. Yeah I'll pick us up some Starbucks. I'll meet you under the pier." I say as my phone beeps receiving a text.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now