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"Baby kiss me thru the phone, see you when I get home," I sing along to Kiss Me Through The Phone by Solja Boy. Throwback though.

"Callie, what do you think about this house?" Angel asks entering Jc's room. Sitting next to me on the bed. Showing me his laptop.

I look at it and it's kind of like our old one. But different, it's a nice two story gray house. It was gorgeous. It had a gate that block the front door that was black and metal. It had a two car port then a motorcycle port in the garage.

The yard looked big from what I can see from the side gates and it was just really nice. A couple palm trees here and there.

"It's perfect." I smile shoving some of my hair behind my ear. "Get this it's only nine hundred a month, utilities included." He smiles.

"That's great. Does it have a pool?" I ask. He shakes his head no. Awh boo. "But our backyard is huge and there's a horse trail behind it so you can get Maroon from Uncle Johnny's and go riding out there." He beams.

My eyes widening. "We have to get it." I say jumping up and down. I havent been riding in so long. "I already called. We have the place. We sign the papers the day after your birthday. So in six days." He smiles.

I literally couldn't contain my happiness. "You dont understand how much this means to me Angel." I sigh hugging him. Making him laugh slowly. "I can guesstimate." He responds.

I roll my eyes letting him go and grabbing my phone. Seeing my lock screen, which was still a picture of me and Cameron from the hospital.

I need to change that. So I did. To one of me and Jc. "Now get out I have to get ready for the day." I say shooing him off. Which he happily skipped towards the door.

Turning around like a diva, "I'll be waiting peasant," He says flicking his non-existent long hair before escaping out of the room. I laughed a little bit before getting my outfit for the day.

A turquoise skater skirt with tiny little black crosses all over, a black tube top with spaghetti straps, black heels that we're like boots but gorgeous, and a thin black belt.

I grabbed my clothes and toiletry bag and went into the bathroom down the hall. Locking the door after grabbing a towel. Turning on the shower. While it started to heat up I brushed my teeth.

Then stepped into the shower after stripping my clothes off.


I decided to curl my hair today in small loose curls from my wand. When I finished with my outfit and makeup hair, yadadada I stepped out of the bathroom.

My heels clicking against the hardwood floor. I put my dirty clothes into my other suitcase before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

Connor, Ricky and Angel were all sitting on the couch. "Make me food peasant." Angel calls once I enter the living room.

I scoff. "Uhm no. But I'll go get some food." I say unlocking my phone. Seeing I had missed a facetime call from Matt.

Boo. I decide to text him quickly as Angel debates on what he wants to eat.

- To Mattchu ♡

Sorry I missed your call! :( I was in the shower ... But I'll call you in like forty minutes after I eat breakfast?(: Ily ♥

He didn't reply until like three minutes later.

- From Mattchu ♡

Aha it's okay (: and yeah. (: That sounds like a plan :P ily2

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