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"Woah. When. What." I hear someone say, Carter. I instantly pull away from Matthew and look at my feet. "Let's go, yeah?" Matthew asks.

I nod. He grabs my left hand and pulls me out of the hotel room. "So... What was that all about?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't know." I sigh.

"Don't worry, I enjoyed it." He laughs wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "But don't you like Katie Sanford?" I ask. "No. Haha." He laughs.

"Oh okay, well. I seriously don't want things to be awkward." I say honestly. "Don't worry, it won't be. I promise." He grins.


Matthew stayed true to his promise. It's been a week since the whole incident and I was always avoiding Cameron at all costs.

But he still never gave up on trying to talk to me. But I never replied. I ignored him and walked away.

Taylor told me that Cam broke up with his girlfriend for me. But honestly, I can't believe that. Why would I believe that? He betrayed my trust. It takes a long time for me to ever forgive people for doing shit like he did.

I'm happy though, me and Matthew have became much closer and honestly, I realized that I didn't really have feelings for him. It was just a spur of the moment thing.

He never made anything awkward either. All the boys New about the kiss and Cameron wasn't happy about it. But he isn't my dad or even my friend for that matter so he should just back up and stop being a pissy pants.

Right now I'm at the hotel with Carlie helping her decide what to wear to her date with Carter tonight.

I know where he's taking her so I have to help her get ready.

"Here wear my black dress." I say tossing my little black tight dress. It had wrinkles all the way up and was strapless. She smiles before slipping into it. It fit her perfectly to be honest.

I was always extremely jealous of her figure because it was like a Victoria secrets body and it was honestly a body any girl would kill for.

She grins. "Now let me work my magic on your hair and makeup." I say pushing her onto Cameron's bed and crimping her hair to perfection then applying light makeup.

"You look amazing," I smile looking her over. "I'm so happy for you," I say hugging her. "Thank you baby girl." She smiles kissing my cheek.

I smile and grab her purse putting a bikini in the bottom and handing it to her with my white Toms.

She slips them on and puts her purse on her shoulder. The knock sounds the room and I push her towards the door.

She opens it and squels seeing Carter in nice jeans and a nice button up shirt. He hands her the flowers.

Then they leave. I sit on Cameron's bed and sigh. I'm now alone. Carter was out taking Carlie to a drive in movie then to the beach to ask her to be his girlfriend.

All the other boys went out to the movies and I'm here. Alone. With nothing to do.

I decide to go into the other room and crawling onto Taylor's bed watching Netflix on his laptop before passing out.


"Hey, love." Taylor greets laying down on the bed. "Hey Tay." I smile scooting over so there's more room for him. "How are you?" He asks. I shrug. "I'm whatever aha. You?" I ask.

"Why just whatever? Nd I'm good." He smiles. "I don't know. Just in a whatever mood I guess. I'm happy that I'm getting this shit off my wrists in a couple days." I grin waving my casts around.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now