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From the whole situation with Cat I learned that it's always better to forgive. Even when their not really sorry. But to never forget.

Forgiving is one thing us humans need and I decided to forgive everyone who has done me wrong. Because I was tired of having to avoid the situation and I hate having enemies.

I'm ready to forgive Cameron.

"What do you think the boys are gonna say when we walk into the room?" Cat asks hurriedly. I shrug. "I don't know, but they'll have to deal with it." I say honestly.

"I hope they don't like freak out on me for being here to be honest." She sighs. "They aren't like that, they wouldn't do that." Shawn responds. "You read my mind!" I grin high fiving him.

Making all of us laugh. "Well here we are." I say gripping the door knob and sipping on my coffee. I open the door and I smile at the boys.

"I brought her back with me guys," I tell Angel and Matthew. Angel glares at me and Matthew just sighs but understandingly nods his head.

"Forgiveness is key.." I say sitting on the couch next to Cameron's bed. "But you won't forgive Cam!" Taylor says defending Cameron. I roll my eyes and lean into the couch.

"Yeah well. You ruined it." I say. Cameron slaps Taylor on the back of the head as Cat makes her way awkwardly over to me.

"You know you never told me why you hate him so much.. When like before you came here you-" I cutt her off by clamping my hands over her mouth. "Finish that sentence and I will not hesitate to dump your coffee on you," I warn.

Which that made her laugh. "Okay okay I won't!" She says I remove my hands slowly. "You used to f-" I cover her mouth again.

"Shall I tell them about what you did over Nash and Brent?" I ask raising an eye brow. She shakes her head no quickly and I grin. "Those are our little secrets." I say patting her head.

"Now we really wanna freaking know!" Taylor whines. I smile sweetly. "Well you'll never know!" I grin. "You both we're obsessed and used to-" Angel starts but I grab his ear pinching it.

"What was that?" I ask as he whines in pain. "Nothing." He laughs detaching my hand from his ear and holding my hands together.

I guess Shawn had grabbed Cat's hands to. "Callie here has a life size-" He starts. "ANGEL! DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT! YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY BALLS!" I scream thrashing around.

"She has a life size Cameron poster that she paid a lot of money for in her closet and her closet is covered in Cameron posters." He laughs.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "How would you know? Matthew seen my closet." I say looking at Matt. "I didn't see anything about Cam." Matt defends.

"I've been in your closet looking for your diary." Angel replies. "Bitch do I look like I write in a diary?" I ask as he let's me go. "Yeaa." He laughs.

"Well I don't dumbass. Stay out of my closet. And I don't have the Cameron stuff anymore. I packed it all away in the attic." I say honestly.

"Oh and Cat used to have Brent shit all over along with these weird Nash stuff her room was consumed in it and it was creepy. Because she had this set of eyes that looked like Nash's and they follow you everywhere. Plus she had Brent's face customized onto a blanket that she sleeps with every night." I admit.

Hey if I'm going down, she's coming with me. Her face pales and I bust out laughing.

Everyone was laughing so I took this time to grab Cameron and talk to him.

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