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"Okay okay enough sucking each others faces! We have to get out of this elevator!" Nash yells. I groan slowly pulling myself away from Cameron and leaning into Matthew as we walk to the black SUV.

Honestly, I don't know if me and Cameron are even friends at this point. Like, we kiss and all that. But we haven't even talked about being in a relationship. Plus right now I don't think I could handle a relationship.

Especially with the Cat situation and the fans. Plus he doesn't act like a boyfriend. But he's not my boyfriend and he never will be. Just a friend.

"Hey you okay?" Matt asks sitting next to me. I nod laying my head on his shoulder. "I'm just thinking." I sigh. He nods kissing the side of my head.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm here." He smiles sweetly at me. "I know, I'll talk to you later when we have our movie night." I smile. He nods. "Alright," He smiles.


"What movie do you wanna watch first?" Matthew asks as we lay on his bed. "I don't mind. Whatever works." I smile.

The whole time we were at Walmart Cameron and I avoided each other and I have no idea why.

All I wanted to really do was kiss him and just hug him. But no. It doesn't work that way.

So now I'm in a bad mood and I just don't understand anything at this point.

"So what were you thinking about earlier?" He asks as Carter and Taylor come in the room to lay down.

"In just really confused." I sigh sitting up. Bring my knees to my chest. "About?" He asks. "Cameron! Like yeah I kissed him earlier to rub it in the girls face. Then afterwards he was all loving and kisses me in the elevator and held my hand and shit then just avoided me. I don't know what to think. I'm just overwhelmed. I don't know how I feel. Like I don't know." I say as tears start to fall down my face.

"Come here." He instructs. I nod hugging him. "Everything's gonna be alright baby girl. I understand why you have are confused. Hell I would be to. But you can't let little things like that effect you. You guys aren't together and he hasn't made a move to ask you out either so don't let it get to you. You deserve to be happy not crying." He says rubbing my back.

"Honestly, it's not even just that. I lost my bestfriend and I'm getting hate and its all just suffocating me." I cry out. "Shh it'll be okay, you just have to calm down and move on." He pauses.

"Everything happens for a reason. But sometimes the reasons are meant to be unknown."

"Your honestly the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me." I sigh wiping away a few tears. "You to, you mean a lot to me and it hurts me to see you so upset. You don't deserve to be so broken." He says kissing my forehead.

I didn't know what to say. Because deep down, I believe that I truly do.

"I need to go have a warm bubble bath to calm down. I'll be back.." I smile before slipping off the bed making my way into the bright room where Cameron Nash and Angel were all messing around.

I rub my eyes as I make my way into the bathroom locking the door and starting the bath. I wipe away all my tears and step out of the bathroom walking over to my suitcase and grabbing my body wash and my toiletry bag with a towel and some sweats and a sweater.

I stand back up and grab a towel off the dresser. I feel a warm hand grab my wrist. "What's wrong? Who do I have to kill?" Angel asks turning me to face him. "I'm fine." I mumble wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"No your not." He says staring into my eyes. "What's wrong?" He pushes. "It's nothing. I just need time alone. I already talked to Matthew about it all." I say as both Nash and Cameron walk over to us.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now