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"I hate crying." I sigh leaning back a bit to see Cameron's face. "I hate seeing you cry, I really do." He sighs rubbing my cheek slowly.

"I probably look like a raccoon." I say laughing a bit while using my one good hand to wipe under my eyes. My right hand in the front pocket of his sweater. "No you don't, you look beautiful." He smiles lightly.

I smile leaning my forehead against his. "Your one of the sweetest boys ever." I smile. He laughs and slowly goes to press his lips against mine.

"What do we have here?" I hear Taylor ask entering the bathroom. I hadn't noticed that everyone was in the bathroom.

Matthew just chilling in the tub with his phone out. I reluctantly pull my hand out of his pocket and see that it's really swollen.

"I think you should get that checked out." Cam says inspecting it. "I hate hospitals." I pout. "Well your going." He says gripping my hips and lifting me off the counter. Still his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and lean into him as he walks out of the bathroom. Setting me down in front of the door before putting me over his shoulder.

"Who's all coming?" Cameron asks. "Me of course." Matthew says. "I'll come to." Nash agrees. Angel shrugs but stays.

I had a clear view of Cameron's ass. This is a nice view I got here... "Cam. You have a nice butt." I laugh reaching in his back pocket taking out his phone. "You have one two," He laughs pinching my butt. I roll my eyes.

I take a selfie getting his backside in it. Then I took one with Matthew when we got into the elevator.

Posting it on Cam's instagram.

Hacked (; @CallieDallas @itsmattespinosa

"You can put me down now." I grown as I started to get a head rush from all the blood. "Fine." He says setting me down.

"Thank you." I say looking through his pictures on his phone. "AWH CAM!" I exclaim seeing an adorable picture of him.


"What color?" The nurse asks holding up a bunch of different colored rolls of that stuff they put around your cast thing. "Blue." I say pointing to the lighter blue she nods and starts rapping it around my new cast.

I sprained my wrist. It wasn't a bad sprain though. But I'll have this on for two weeks. I know. I'm pretty bad ass. "There you go, your all set my dear." She smiles. I nod thanking her before sliding off of the hospital bed.

I pull my sweater back on and walk out of the room and towards the boys who were waiting in the waiting room for me. "Is it that bad?" Matt asks first as they all stand up stretching.

"I broke it." I shrug. I guess I won't be punching any more walls. "How long do you have to have that on for?" Nash asks. "About two weeks." I say. "I hate those. There uncomfortable." Matthew says poking my cast.

I couldn't really feel that though. The cast was already annoying me. "I know. I had a massive one on my leg because I broke my ankle. I had it on for three months." I sigh getting my phone out.

"When we get back I wanna write on it!" Nash chimes as we get into the car. "Me to." Matt and Cam say together. I nod leaning my head against the window.


"Thank the Lord for McDonald's." Angel says as we all we're eating McDonald's. I nod in agreement. "Chipotle is way better." Matthew says.

"Never had it." I say laying back on Cameron's bed. I had just finished my food and I am now on my phone. "Are you serious?!" Matthew exclaims. "I'm dead serious." I laugh as I press the little blue bird going onto my twitter.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now