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"Wake up wake up wake up. Oh wake up wake up everybody wake up!" Angel sings walking into my room. "I've been up..." I laugh as I finish my hair. "Damn, you got yourself up on a Friday?" He asks. I nod slowly.

"I'm excited to see Jc after school." I grin. "Oh yeah he's staying for the weekend huh?" He asks looking around my room. "Yuhp." I grin finishing the last curl and then applying my makeup.

"What are you wearing today?" He asks seeing that I was in my shorts and a sports bra. "Oh. These new leggings I got and a white v neck." I say pointing to the ripped leggings on my bed.

"That's like not wearing pants!" He exclaims picking up the thin fabric. I shrug. "No your not wearing these. There going in the trash." He says throwing a twenty dollar bill at me.

"Ugh. Really?" I whine pulling out a new pair of thick gray leggings. "Yeah. Really." He scoffs walking out of the room. Popping his head back in moments later.

"Be ready in twenty." He informs. I nod before pulling on my simple outfit and some white converse. "I practically am ready." I laugh standing up from my bed to grab my bag and phone.

Slipping the white phone from under my pillow. Disconnecting it from the turquoise charger and unlocking it to check my notifications as I grabbed my bag and slinging it over my shoulder and grabbing my binder off my desk walking out of the room. Reading my texts.

- From Cameron Mofo Dallas

Hey, can we talk?

- To Cameron Mofo Dallas

Uhm I'm about to head to school. But sure?

- From Cameron Mofo Dallas

Uhm. What are you doing after school?

- To Cameron Mofo Dallas

I'm busy. Jc's coming out for the weekend.

- From Cameron Mofo Dallas

Okay, well can we meet up for like an hour sometime today? I really needa talk to you.

- To Cameron Mofo Dallas

Uhm yeah. I'll text you when I can but I gotta go. Bye.

I didn't bother to read his reply. I just walked towards Angel putting the phone in my bag.

"Step one of my plan to get back into Cameron goes into affect after today." I grin at him as we make our way outside to his car. "How?" He asks.

"He texted me and wants to talk. So I'll act like I really am going to forgive him, but I'm not. Then the rest of my plan falls into affect." I smile opening the passenger door and sliding inside.

"Finally. I thought you weren't going to go through with it to be honest." He laughs starting the car. "Yeah. Mmhmm. Think twice." I laugh turning up the radio singing along to Katy Perry.

Thinking Of You...


"I'm so excited to see Shawn after school." Cat sighs as we sit down on the feild since its now lunch. "I can't wait to see Jc and put my plan into action with Cameron." I smile pulling my phone out. Seeing I had a text from Jc saying he would pick me up from school.

"I know. I want details after you guys talk today." She smiles. I nod as my group of friends make their way over to us. "Hey Callie, nd Cat." They say as they approach us.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now