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"Yeah I made it, yeah I made it, first I made you who you are then I made it," I sing along to Drake. Shot for me.

This song is honestly the best. Right I'm in the hotel room with Jc just laying around listening to music.

"Take a shot for me..." I sing along once again.

"May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you, and heaven except you,"


"Guys it's my last night here. I really don't wanna spend it staying in this hotel doing nothing." I say.

"Then let's go out and do something. Anything you want." Carter smiles. I shrug looking around. "We could just go to the mall or something I don't know. I just don't wanna spend it in here." I sigh standing up adjusting my soccer sweats.

"Let's all go watch The Nut Job and then go out for dinner. Then just come back and crash." Nash suggests. I grin. "Yeah but I'm vlogging it." I say getting out my camera after pulling on my white converse.

Not even bothering to change. "Alright leggo'." I say standing up from the bed and walking towards the door turning on the camera. Explaining what we were about to do.

I vlogged some of the ride and then when we enetered. But then I just saved the rest of the vlog for tomorrow morning when we all had to say bye to each other. Because we're all going home.

"Our last night together until we're home..." Jc mumbles into my neck as we're cuddled up on the bed. "I know... I'm scared to go home though." I say sighing.

"Why?" He asks rubbing my back. "Because me and my mom still haven't talked since she blew up on me.... What if she kicks me out?" I ask sadly.

"Then you'll come stay with me in LA." He says positively. I smile. "Your the bestest." I say grinning. "I know, but your the greatest." He beams. I laugh.

"Thanks bum." I comment running my fingers through his hair on the nap of his neck gently. "Your welcome hobo." He smiles kissing my nose slightly.

"I have a question." I pause. He nods. "What are we? I mean... We act like a couple. But you know..." I trail off still slowly running my fingers through his hair.

He smiles lightly. "Let's make it official. Will you be my lovely girlfriend?" He grins. I smile and nod. "Yeah I will. Duhh." I say kissing him softly.

"Your lips are really soft." He comments. I laugh running my thumb over his bottom lip. "Yours are to Babe. Trust me. I'd kiss them all day if I could." I smile pressing my lips firmly against his again.

Oh how I loved his lips being on mine.


"I'm seriously about to cry." I say holding my tears back as all the boys and I are huddled in the airport saying our goodbyes.

"Don't cry." Nash says hugging me. Then it went, Shawn, Jack and Jack, Carter, Aaron, Brent, Taylor but when it was Matthew's turn I couldn't hold the tears back as they cascaded downy cheeks and I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.

He had tears in his eyes to. "I love you so much." I say into his ear as we rocked back and forth. Hugging the daylight out of each other.

"I love you to. I promise I'll try to see you as soon as I possibly can with school and all. We'll facetime all the time I promise. Everything will work out. God am I going to miss you though," He says a couple tears falling.

"I don't wanna leave you Matt.... Oh my gosh." I cry holding him tighter.

Can you blame me?

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now