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June 5th, 2014

"What time do we have to leave to go to the meet and greet?" I hear Nash ask Carter as I lay on my bed, scrolling through Twitter.

"Right now, Callie you ready?" Carter asks me and I sigh as I look over at him, I don't even want to go.

"Why do I have to go?" I ask him for the hundredth time. Only to receive the same answer, every single time.

"Because I said you are, now get up or I'll have Jack come and take you away." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Jack doesn't scare me." I laugh and he narrows his eyes at me, a smile trying to make its way onto his lips.

"No, but Cameron-" I cut him off by throwing a pillow at his face, thankfully hitting him.

"Yeah, I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you," I say standing up and following Jack Gilinksy out of the room as Carter just steps out of my way.

"You're the devil," Carter says as I pass him. I just laugh and flip him off only to have him smack my hand down.

"Matthew is finally here!" Jack Johnson beams and I look around for my best friend. Lately he and I have gotten... Closer. In a different way. It's weird. Just texting him makes me forget Cameron.

"Where?" I whine since I couldn't find him, but soon feel myself being lifted up. I squeal and hear Matthew laugh as he playfully spins me around before setting me softly back on my feet.

"Matthewww!" I coo' as I hug him tightly. I feel like I haven't seen him in years when its just been a few weeks.

"Callieee!" He mimicks me and I glare at him.

"I donut sound like that," I defend myself crossing my arms over my chest and he laughs, kissing my forehead.

"I know," He whispers in my ear before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading me to the car outside of the building where all the boys were waiting for us.

I accidentally made eye contact with Cameron and he looked upset as if Matthew being near me bugged him and that just irritated me.

He's the one that fucked up. "You look really adorable today," Matthew informs me and I look at my outfit, it was simple. Just some ripped faded blue skinny jeans a white v neck and a blue flannel.

"I dress like this everyday though," I say running a hand through my straightened hair.

"That's the point, you don't dress to impress and that's one of the things I enjoy and love most aboutcha'." He grins and I laugh shaking my head at him.

"Yea, okay." I smile leaning my head on his shoulder, the car filled with conversations amongst everyone except Matthew and I.

We stayed quiet for most of the ride and it was nice.

"That's the venue," I hear Carter say excitedly and I look out of the window, seeing thousands of girls just waiting for everyone to arrive.

"I'm a little nervous," I whisper to Matthew as the car comes to a stop. He just laughs and grabs my hand, pulling me with him out of the car.

I got smushed in between Nash and Matthew like a sandwich as we walked in, body guards surrounding us.

It was extremely loud, screams that I'm sure could blow some ear drums. "I'm so excited!" Matthew beams jumping around, he looked so adorable.

"You have to come on stage with everyone today," Sam as in Sam Pottorff tells me as everyone starts to mingle.

"Nah," I say shaking my head and he gives me a disapproving look before smiling.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now