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I wake up with a killer headache and blankets piled on top of me. I groan rubbing my forehead rolling over and seeing a shirtless Cameron laying next too me.

Already awake. "Hey," He says slowly rubbing the back of his neck.

"We had sex huh?" I ask flatly and he slowly nods his head almost in a scared matter.

"Eh, its not like we've never had sex before." I shrug sitting up and holding the bottom sheet over my chest.

"You're not mad?" He asks sitting up next too me. I laugh shaking my head as I slowly stand up from the bed.

Seeing how I had absolutely no clothes on. Figures. "Nah, its whatever. I don't really care... If it was anybody else then I'd be upset but you're... You," I say picking up my bra and underwear off the floor and putting them on.

I look around Cameron's hotel room and grab one of his t shirts and slip it on.

It barely covering my butt. "Well, if it was anybody else in this bed I'd have too kill them." He tells me slipping out of bed with his boxers on.

I roll my eyes rubbing my forehead. "Come here." He motions me over. I slowly walk towards him and he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm mad at myself for letting myself do that with you, you were drunk and so was I but still.. I should have stopped myself. I'm so sorry. I promised you and myself that I would make the next time special and I totally blew it." He says into my hair, his words coming out muffled.

I sigh into his chest. "Cameron its fine." I say tracing a pattern into his chest with my right hand.

"Just because you say it, doesn't mean it is." He tells me as the door too the room opens and Matthew walks in.

"Callie, come on." He says flatly gesturing towards the door. "Why?" I ask quietly pulling away from Cameron walking towards Matthew.

"I told you do not do anything you'd regret, later on, you'll regret fucking Cameron." He says quietly in my ear.

I groan and throw my head back. "I won't regret it, I remember almost the whole thing, I don't regret it." I say shaking my head.

He just sighs and looks over at Cameron. "I do not give you my blessing." He smiles sweetly before pushing me towards the door. "Since when are you my dad?" I laugh pulling my hair up into a messy bun.

"Since you decided too fuck Cameron." He says shaking his head trying too hide his smile.

I stare at him, smiling and finally her smiles opening our room. I skip inside seeing Taylor and Shawn sitting on my bed.

"Hey guys," I smile giving them both hugs before grabbing my suitcase and opening it up, dumping all the articles of clothing onto the bed.

"You pack too much." Shawn comments as I look through my clothes grabbing my black skater skirt that had daises on it along with a black strapless crop top.

"No I don't, I never do." I say glaring at him as he rolls his eyes. I walk past him towards the bathroom and he literally sticks his foot out tripping me.

His arms reaching out too catch me. I push him away pouting. "Meanie head," I pout pushing him away as he tried too kiss my cheek.

"I'm sorry, love." He pouts. I roll my eyes playfully pushing his face away from mine before walking away into the bathroom.

"Don't take too long. We have a event to go to," Matthew tells me as I close the bathroom door.





"We get too go too six flags?" I beam up at Cameron like a kid in the candy shop, my hands grabbing his as I jump excitedly.

He laughs nodding his head and I squeal. "Yay," I grin as he laughs at my excitement. "You wanna go on that scary ride with me again?" He smirks and I instantly push him away, giving him a blank look.

"Nah, Nah, Nah," I laugh linking my arm with Shawn's as he came over to us. "Fine, I feel the love." He says turning his back towards me.

I lean forward and pinch his butt through the thin fabric of his shorts. He turns around and goes too pinch my boob.

"Ewh, perv." I say grabbing his hand. "You love me." He smiles and I shake my head, smirking.

"Nah, you're just good in bed." I say grinning as he shrugs. "You're not the first too tell me that," He says cockily and I stare at him flatly.

I don't like talking about his sex life unless I'm the only girl he's fucking.


"Okay! I'm sorry," He says wrapping his arms around my waist. "No, leave me alone." I groan pushing him away.

"Awwhhhh someone's mad," He coo's pinching my cheek as I cross my arms over my chest.

I just glare at him as the boys all get onto the bus. "Stop." I say flatly and he rolls his eyes laughing.

"You're cute when you're mad," He comments grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bus. "No," I say trying to stay in place.

"Fine than, I'll have too carry you," He smirks grabbing my thighs and lifting me up. My arms wrapping around his neck as I laugh.

He sets me down into a seat and sits on top of my lap. "Ewh, boy slim!" I groan acting like a five year old when boys had cooties.

"What are you five?" He retorts looking back at me as he purposely rubs his butt all over my lap.

Pretty much grinding on me. "Yuhp, now get off you have cooties." I laugh pushing on his back.

He stands up and bends over in front of me. I laugh slapping his butt before he plops into the seat next too me.

He leans over and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck, wrapping his arms around my right arm.

"Maybe this friends thing will be good for us after all," He whispers into my neck lacing his fingers with mine.

"I'm still mad at you, but yeah."

(A/N- Sorry it took so long too update.

I've been so busy. Easter I went too my uncles all day so I had no time too write.

Then yesterday I was at a birthday party. My baby girl Amy's

I love you guys!(:

When you guys tweet me it literally makes my day! Seriously.

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__chyannefisher is my kik, twitter, vine and Instagram.

Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

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