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"Taylor," I sigh sliding into the passenger seat of my car. "Yes?" He asks taking my keys from me and getting into the drivers seat. "Why does Cameron hate me?" I say as the tears prick my eyes again.

"He doesn't hate you Callie." He says starting the car. "Yeh he does Tay. He keeps hurting me." I say tiredly as I press the button back on the side so the seat will go back.

"He's not doing it. He genuinely cares about you. Yeah I know he hurts you. But I mean, who hasn't?" He asks glancing at me as he pulls onto the road.

I sigh knowing he's right. I bring my hands up to the stereo and turn it on. born to die by Lana Del Ray playing on the radio.

I twist the knob turning it up and sighing. "He makes mistakes, like everyone else. But I do know he will always love you more then he let's on Callie." Taylor reasons.

I groan. "I'm not forgiving him Taylor." I say as the tears finally fall over the water line of my eyes. Pouring down my cheeks as I blink.

"I understand why you wouldn't. But I mean, you can at least be friends with him for a while and see where that takes you guys." He says as we pull into a In-N-Out.

"Not right now. It's gonna take time Taylor. To even text him." I say staring at the roof of my car. Reaching up and pressing the button and the sun roof opens. The stars lighting up the night sky.

"What do you want? I know you can't turn down In-N-Out." He smirks. I nod. "The number one." I grin.

In-N-Out makes me happy.

Cameron makes me happy.

"Number one it is than." He smiles ordering for me and him both. "Taylor, how do you know so much about me?" I ask as he pulls forward behind four cars.

"I like to sit back and observe everything." He comments. I nod turning towards him as I lay in my seat. "How much do you know about me?" I ask curiously.

"I know you more then you know yourself." He says. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah," He smiles pulling forward again as one car moves up.

"That's nice to know." I laugh laying back on my back pulling my phone out of my pocket and seeing I had twenty three texts.

Three being from Matthew, One from Nash and the other nineteen from Cameron.

I ignore Cameron's but I don't delete them. I go to Matthew's.

- From Mattchu

You okay?

Please tell me your okay...

Cam called... I'm sorry best friend.. :( I wish you didn't have to go through this and I wish I was there to hug you and comfort you. But I know Taylor is there and he will make sure your okay. I love you a lot and I really wish you didn't have to go through this again. I know people have been fucking you over left and right but I know in the end this will only make you stronger and you will be okay. Maybe not for awhile. But you will be okay. Soon. If you need to talk about it, I'm here and you know this. If worse comes to worse and you need me I'll fly down there on the soonest flight I can get on. I promise you Callie, I'll be here for you for the rest of eternity and I promise you that Cameron didn't mean to hurt you.

I read the last message from him over and over again as tears started to fall again.

I honestly couldn't have asked for a better best friend. "Don't cry," Taylor says sadly wiping a few of my tears away. "I hate feeling so weak." I say looking at him.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now