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"Callie I love you."

I stare there staring at Jc as the words come out of his mouth. My own mouth falling agape a little bit as he stares at me.

"Jc. No." I say shaking my head backing away from him. "Callie I know you don't feel the same. I just I can't stop thinking about you... My heart breaks whenever I see you and Cameron. I just I love you.." He says sincerely.

I stand there shocked. "Stop! Please!" I cry out. I couldn't take it. I felt like a million bricks had fallen on top of me.

It was starting to get hot and I was hyperventilating. I know it wasn't the worst news.

But I felt so bad. Guilty. Like I caused this. "Jc don't say that." I say putting my hands on my knees bending over.

"Its the truth!" He reasons. "Jc... Oh my goodness! Don't tell me this! Now I'm going to feel so guilty for loving some body else. I just don't feel the same." I say standing up straight regaining my composure.

"You don't have to feel guilty. I know you love Cameron whether your ready to admit that or not. I just wanted to tell you to get it off my chest." He says taking a deep breath before walking out of the room.

I walk out behind him and look down at my feet. I feel terrible for letting him fall in love with me. Love is such a stronge word though. So maybe he's not. I hope he's not.

I hope its just a faze because I can't even touch any other guy when he's around. I feel Carter's arm wrap around my shoulders as we walk out to the limo.

"What's up?" He asks as I stare at my feet. "Nothing." I lie shrugging off his arm offering him a sympathetic smile. He just nods and smiles at me before jumping on Cameron's back.

I watch everyone slowly walking I'm front of me and getting into the limo. Leaving me, Angel and Matthew walking slowly behind.

"I'm walking back." I inform Matthew and Angel before turning the other way and walking into the dark night in San Fran. I see the fans lingering behind the place saying goodbye to the boys as I walk the opposite way of the limo.

I can hear the feet hit the ground behind me. I know its two people and I know its Matthew and Angel following me. Because I can hear the girls thanking them.

I take my phone out of my pocket and my head phones out of my bag plugging them into the hole in the phone and playing Lose Yourself by Eminem.

I continue to walk along the sidewalk as the sky turns completely black as businesses started to turn there Open signs off and the lights locking up.

I take deep breaths and stare at my feet. More and more people getting into taxis and soon there were barely any people outside.

I can still hear the boys following behind me. But I didn't turn to see them. I just kept walking. I finally see the hotel and jog up the steps to the entrance as the entrance doors open up for me.

I open the doors to the stairs and jog up them up to our floor and walking into my hotel room. Seeing Shawn fast asleep as Cameron is also asleep cuddled up to the teddy bear I got him.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now