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"He's better," The words coming out so quick as I push Cameron away from me.

"Can he do the things I can?" He asks me coming up and slowly leaning down moving my hair and pressing his lips against my neck.

Not even going to lie. It feels amazing.

"What can you do that he can't?" I ask.

Love me like you do.

Did I just... Oh well.

"He can't make you get hot and bothered with one kiss," He whispers against my jaw before attaching his lips to mine.

I found the courage to push him away.

"Sucks that you can't," I smirk walking towards the next flight of stairs.

"Please Cameron. Stop trying." I laugh jogging up the stairs. I want him to keep trying.

I know it bothers him that I keep saying Danny can do things better when Cameron has all those things covered.

Plus Danny and I have never gone further then making out and giving each other hickeys. So I wouldn't even know.

I finally reach the floor and stumble out of the stairway and see Nash and Hayes leaning against the wall next to it.

"What took you so long?" Nash asks standing up straight and leading me to our room.

"Sorry, Cameron is just trying in all ways to be better then Danny." I tell him and Hayes stares at me as if I grew a second head.

"You love someone else?" He asks me astonished and Nash tries to hide his laughter.

"Yeah." I smirk as Cameron walks out of the stairway. Completely furious.

"You really love a guy named Danny?" He gawks and I nod my head glancing at Cameron slowly.

"Sure do," I smile before walking into the room. Sitting on the closest bed to the window. 

It's probably Cameron's but come on now.

we've fucked.

Sharing a bed is nothing.

"I guess I'll be going," Cameron blurts out and I roll my eyes standing up. "Would you rather me sleep with Nash?" I coo' approaching him.

He looks away and shakes  his head no. "Thought so." I whisper placing my hand under his chin and turning his face back towards mine.

"Stop staring at my lips and do something." I say just above a whisper and he immediately leans down.

Pressing his lips to mine. The kiss filled with so much aggression and lust.




"Damn she got him quicker then I thought she would." I hear Nash laugh and I roll my eyes as they open and I pull away.

Cameron groaning and keeping his eyes closed. "I'm still pissed," Cameron moans grabbing my hips and falling backwards onto the bed.

Pulling me on top of him.

Hey I'm not complaining.

"I just really wanna stay away from you." Cameron says in my ear pushing his hands under my tank top.

"What do you want from me, Cameron?" I ask looking away from him as he sighs.

"Sex." He replies seriously and I shrug. "I ain't easy," I laugh. "You'll do anything I want you to do," He says and I stand up staring at him.

"So that means if I want you to be my slut, you'll be my slut." He smirks and stare at him.

"Fuck you, Cameron." I snap flipping him off and grabbing my phone off the bed. Walking towards the bathroom to call someone.

Cameron laughing as I flip him off again.

"I mean, babe, look at you! Dating Danny but kissing me... Slutty move," I hear Cameron call from outside of the locked bathroom door.

Being called a slut by Cameron hurts like hell.

I couldn't help but slump down the wall, tears falling down my cheeks as the memories of my past pop up.

When I wanted to die because so many people called me so many things.

Slut being one of the things that bothered me the most. That's why I don't date.

But now hearing it from Cameron just kills me.

I take a deep breath before getting up and walking out of the bathroom. Mascara streaks staining my cheeks.

I look at the ground as I pick uo my suitcase. Pulling out my all black hollister sweater and taking off my cardigan. Slipping the sleek sweater on.

Pulling on some light blue skinny jeans over my all black leggings I was wearing.

I wipe away the tears that kept falling as I walk out onto the blacony and sit down.

The tears contuning to fall as it hurt more and more by the second.

I unlock my phone and text Matthew. He always helps me.

To Mattchu ♡

Matttttt. .

I don't look at Cameron as I sit on the chair by the small table putting up my hood and look down at my phone.

"Callie..." Cameron sighs. I ignore him as he bends down in front of me. "I was joking.." He whispers reaching up to wipe my tears away but I move my head the other way.

"Whatever." I say not looking at him. He sighs and cups my cheeks but I stand up stepping around him.

"I don't even understand why I came here.. I don't even see why I'm trying to get you back." I say wiping away the tears and looking down at him.

"Callie," He says standing up and looking me over. Slowly reaching up and placing his hands on my cheeks.

"Please stop, you know I don't like seeing you cry..." He whispers, his thumb moving under my eyes. Wiping away the tears that continue to fall.

I close my eyes and shake my head. "If you didn't like seeing me cry then why'd you leave? Why do you want someone else so bad.." I ask quietly.

"I don't want anybody else Callie. No one could ever steal my heart like you.. I will never love anybody else." He says and it just confuses me.

Confuses me so badly. If he loves me and all this shit, why is he leaving me?

"Then why are you putting me through all of this? All of this pain?" I groan keeping my eyes closed.

"To protect you," He says simply. I open my eyes and meet his gaze.

"Protect me from what? Cause all your doing right now is hurting me." I mumble pulling away from him and waiting for his response.

He cups my cheeks pressing his lips to mine and its filled with so much emotion.

My salty tears mixed in with his.

He finally pulls away and looks away. Pain in his eyes.

"I'm protecting you from me,"

(A/N- Three updates this weekend . omg.

Ily guys seriously.

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