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"Callie, word please?" I hear Matthew ask as I walk towards the door to the restaurant again leaving Cameron there.

I just kissed Cameron when everyone thinks I'm dating Taylor...

I'm a slut. A total slut.

"Yeah." I nod quietly walking outside Matthew following behind me. I lean against the building and stare down at my white vans.

"What the hell Cal?" Matthew sighs. "I know I know. I'm a fucking slut." I say honestly. I felt disgusted with myself.

"No your not. Why would you think that? Everyone in there knows that the whole relationship with Taylor was a lie." He reasons but I just stop listening.

"Don't tell me something thats wrong! I'm a conplete whore. I just kissed both Cameron and Taylor! The fans were right! Cat was right everyone was right." I say exasperated. "I can't do this anymore Matthew." I whisper.

"None of them were right Callie! Nobody thinks your a slut!" He says loudly gripping my shoulders and shaking me back and forth.

"I can't do this anymore." I repeat myself as I look up at him slowly. Our eyes connecting. I stare into his eyes before looking away. "Do what?" He asks his grip on my shoulders loosening and his hands sliding down to my hands before his hands fall to his sides.

"I'm tired of being judged constantly. I just need things to go back to how they were before you all knew me. I can't do this anymore. I just I can't." I say shaking my head and backing up against the building.

Covering my faces as the tears welled in my eyes. I hate crying in front of people. Even if there my closests friends.

It makes me feel pathetic. "Callie... What are you saying?" He whispers. I pull my hands from my face and look at him seeing his eyes brimming with tears.

"I need to go home and never, ever come back." I say quietly looking away. Knowing his tears had fallen at this point. I feel arms wrap around me and I instantly hug him back as we both cry. Supporting each other.

"So we'll never talk again?" He says weakly. I nod my head slowly. "It's for the best." I whisper into his neck as I hear the rest of the MagCon group shuffle outside. Talking and making loud noises.

"Callie, I mean if you think that's the best you should do it... But you can't just not talk to me, the boys. Cameron." He says into my ear holding me tighter.

"I just need a break Matt... I promise I'll stay in contact with you and the boys... I just can't." I say weakly pulling out of his embrace and wiping underneath my eyes. I look up at Matthew and see the tears falling and building up in his eyes.

I reach up and wipe them away repeatedly. I know everyone was staring at us confused but I didn't bother with them.

I was focussed on my best friend and only him right now. "Callie... Please don't." He says quietly pulling me in for another hug.

"I can't promise I'll stay." I say into his chest as I breath in deeply. Exhaling sharply. "Don't leave. Why would you need to leave? Nothing bad has really happened." He reasons pulling away from me this time to look at me.

"Because I just feel like I betrayed so many people." I sigh seeing Angel walk towards me and Matthew out of the corner of my eye. "You didn't. I promise you, that none of these people are judging you and that you didn't betray anybody." He explains wiping away a few of my tears.

"Let me think about it.." I sigh smiling a bit as I see him weakly smile. "That's better then nothing." He laughs pulling me into a not so depressing hug and holding me tight. "What happened?" Angel asks as he nears us.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now