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"Details women!" Kevin says as I tell him that Cameron had asked me to be his valentine yesterday.

"Well," I say pausing for affect looking up at our history teacher, seventh period. I tell him every little significant detail that needed to be said.

He stared at me. "I need to take notes from this kid." He laughs. I roll my eyes propping my legs up in his lap.

"Yeah, you do." I say writing down some notes quickly before closing my eyes avoiding the burning sensation in them.

I felt like crying for an unknown reason. I just did. I was having a bad day. My couch, took my phone in PE and said my mother has to call him personally to get it back.

Which, can't happen since my mom literally hates me.

I open my eyes slowly as the bell rings and I walk out of class with Kevin by my side.


"Isela can I use your phone?" I ask Isela after school to call my mom to give it a shot. "Yeah sure." She says handing me her phone.

Giving me her password which made me smile because that's cute. "Hello?" My mom says thru the phone. "Hey mom... Can you talk to my couch? I need to get my phone back and he has to talk to you..." I say kicking some rocks.

"Hurry up." She snaps. I sigh before walking towards the boys locker room with Amy. Sadly he wasn't there and I had to go thru the front office.

Which he wasn't there either. "I honestly don't see how you have friends. You don't deserve them." My own mother snaps thru the phone. I instantly hung up.

I held back the tears but as soon as Isela asked what happened. The tears streamed down my face. I hugged the closests person that I could. Which happened to be Cameron's cousin. Who I have grown fund of the past two days.

I cried for a couple of minutes before finally stopping and putting on a fake smile.

I feel absolutely pathetic for crying in front of them. Especially over something so stupid.

We all stood around one by one the girls had to leave and I left to after I finally got my phone. When I got home I went straight to my room crying harder then earlier.

Everything bad pounding into me. It was a horrible feeling. I felt so alone and so broken. I finally just lay on my back.

Not moving, just breathing as the tears fell down my cheeks with out me even blinking, my mom used to call those alligator tears. Because they just fall.

I miss her... I miss being little and her everything. But I know that those days are gone and over with.

I continue to lay there for a few hours. Before someone came into my room, Matthew.

"What's wrong?" He asks hurriedly climbing onto the bed next to me. I stare at the ceiling. "My life." I say quietly lifting myself up and hugging him. He comfortingly pulls me into his lap and hugs me tightly.

"What happened?" He asks quietly. I sigh and tell him everything. He stares at me for a few seconds after I finish before sighing.

"You shouldn't listen to her. Because you know that isn't true. Every negative thing she has ever said to you isn't true. You have friends because a lot of people care for you. You've got a great personality. Don't let her get to you. She isn't worth your tears." He says rubbing my back. I smile slowly and hug him tighter then I already was.

"You are so perfect Matthew. I don't know where I'd be without you. I love you so much." I say kissing his cheek. He smiles lightly, kissing my forehead. "Your valentine is getting you the cutest thing." He says a few moments later.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now