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Monday March 24th 2014

Its been almost a week since Cat died. It still hurts and lately I've been crying myself to sleep.

It gets even worse when I'm alone with my thoughts. I went home on Saturday to give me and Cameron some space so we don't freak each other out.

Now I'm sitting on the couch of my house curled up in a ball with the chair reclined and the TV playing Sponge Bob.

Angel making some steak on the grill in the back yard for dinner. I wasn't really even paying attention to the TV. I was texting Matt and Carter.

- From Mattchu

I'll be there soon. You'll be okay, I promise. If it gets worse then call Cameron over. He'll drop anything for you.

- To Mattchu

I hate being needy.

- From Carteh Don't Do Dat

How are you holding up boo?

- To Carteh Don't Do Dat

I'm okay, just stressed. .-.

"Dinner." Angel calls walking in with the steak on a plate, his dog Max following behind him.

He just got him recently, he's four months old and is a Siberian Husky. White and red.

"Max!" I grin bending down as he runs over to me, jumping up and putting his front paws on my legs. I smile and pick him up. Kissing his nose and the side of his head.

"I wanna get a dog." I comment as I walk towards the food with Max squirming in my arms seeing all the food and smelling it.

"You can get one," Angel says dishing himself some food. A smile lingering on his face as I set Max down grabbing a plate out of the cub board.

"Really? You'd let me?" I ask him getting a piece of steak and some mashed patatos.

"Of course. It'd help with you feeling so down. Maybe even prevent you from going into depression." He replies setting his plate on the island in front of the two chairs walking out to garage and bringing in two Pepsi's for us.

"True. I want a husky." I say looking down at Max as he wiggles his tail as he anxiously sits down by the chairs I have placed myself in at the island. Angel sitting down next to me.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now