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"Do you think Cameron's still at your house?" Kevin asks me as we sit in the local Starbucks drinking out coffee.

"Probably." I say rubbing my forehead. I have a really bad migraine. "What do you think he'll say when you get home?" He asks me.

"He's sorry and that he trusts me."

"Will you believe him?" He asks bringing his mocha frape to his mouth taking a sip as he awaits my answer.

"I.. I don't know. I'm tired of trust being an issue with him. You know its already hard enough for me to trust people. So if somebody doesn't trust me then I don't trust them."

"Yeee I know. I've known you since forever aha. I know you pretty well. But maybe explain that to Cameron? He has only known you for what?.. Four months?" He asks me raising an eyebrow.

"Approximately. But its hard to explain to anyone."

"Yeah I know it is, but with Cameron, it should be easier considering you trust him with anything and everything." He says as I stand up holding my mocha frape, same as Kevin got.

He stands up following me out of the coffee shop towards his street. "I'm gonna head home." I smile giving him a long hug.

"It'll be okay, trust me. Its just a rough patch every relationship has them." He smiles at me as I walk down the street towards my house.

When I finally got to my house I seen Cameron's car still in the driveway and sighed walking up to the front door pulling my keys out and unlocking it, swinging it open.

Seeing the stairs and game room. I shut the door locking it behind me before jogging up the stairs, one of my bedroom doors cracked open. I glance at the loft room and then the computer room in the light house spot.

I grab the handle to my door walking inside of my room and setting my purse down on the dresser taking another sip of my drink before grabbing my towel off the hook and walking into my bathroom.

Seeing Cameron curled up on my bed as I looked back at it, with Mason curled into his chest. I couldn't help the urge to take the picture doing just so and then grabbing my iPod and iHome starting the shower.

I strip out of my clothes and get into the shower.





I wrap the the towel around me, stepping out of the shower to see Cameron on his phone sitting on my bed.

I walk out of the bathroom and towards my dresser pulling on some underwear and a bra before walking into my closet deciding on what to wear.

My fingers running over the shirts picking out a cream long sleeved knitted crop top with some short jean shorts from Hollister. Pulling that on I look through my shoes deciding on my white toms.

I wall back into my bathroom and blow dry my hair, deciding to curl it today.

After finishing my hair and makeup I walk into my room, walking over to my bed and picking up Mason as he sits at the edge to scared to jump off.

I kiss his forehead and pick my phone up. "Can we talk?" Cameron sighs and I nod walking out of the room down to the backyard putting Mason out with Max.

The two instantly running around. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge and freezer doors.

Pulling out some cheese and flower tortilla for a quesida. Getting a cheese grader out and a pan to cook the quesida in.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now