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I shift in the hard bed as I slowly open my eyes, everything white but slowly adjusting and I can register my surroundings.

I'm in a hospital. I graon rubbing my forehead and suddenly two heads pop up in front of my face. It takes me a minute before seeing it's Matthew and Sam.

"Uhm.." I say looking up at Sam with a flat expression and he gives me a strange look.

"How did I get here?" I ask rubbing my forehead again. "You don't remember fainting on the plane?" Sam asks me wide eyed and I shake my head.

"No? I don't remember even being on a plane." I say honestly, I don't remember anything besides singing on stage.

"We were on our way to London for the meet up, you and Cameron were arguing more over text  you started breathing heavy and fainted. You haven't been awake for a week, you fell into a coma." Sam explains and I stare at him.

"I don't remember any of that, Sam. I remember being in Malibu for a show. Singing then seeing Cameron and everyone I was trying to avoid, then it went black." I say and he gives me a strange look. Cameron sighing and sitting down in a chair next to my bed, putting his head in his hands.

"That never happened, Callie." Sam says and I groan. "What's the date?" I ask rubbing my forehead once again.

"March tenth," I hear Cameron say and I look up at the ceiling. "Year?" I ask and Cameron looks up at me, wide eyed. "Two thousand fourteen." Sam says and I shake my head.

"You guys are tripping,' I say sitting up but feeling extremely tired and out of energy. "Ahh, you're finally awake! That's good news," A woman says, who I'm assuming is the doctor.

"Boys, will you step out for a minute while I examine her, furthermore." She says coming over to me with a small smile on her face.

"We'll be back," Cameron says not looking at me. "Alright, so what's the last thing you remember?" She asks once the sound of the large hospital door closing is heard.

"Uhm fainting on stage but Sam and Cameron both said that never happened." I tell her and she sighs.  "honey, that never happened. You fainted on stage, it must have been a dream while you were in a coma," She explains and I look away from her.

Of course it was a dream, I could never be strong enough to leave any of them for a year.  Well maybe I could if they killed someone close to me.

"Do you have any questions?" She asks after checking my vitals and all of that. I shake my head. "I have one," I pause meeting eye contact.

"When am I getting out of here?" I ask, smiling slightly. She laughs and shakes her head. "Not for a few days at least." She says patting my shoulder. "That Cameron boy, he is sure a keeper." She tells me as she walks towards the door. "How do you know that? He has been doing some things lately that say otherwise." I tell her and she smiles.

"He never left your bed side, he would only leave to go to the bathroom. He never left and he was so worried about you, very few young men can love a woman like yourself like that. I don't know many young boys who would stay there day after day, crying and praying that you wake up. That boy, loves you, a lot. There is no denying that. When people first fall in love, they don't relize that they love that person that much, so they make mistakes. But once there's a chance that they might actually loose that person, they realize it and they will do anything. You don't know what you have until it's gone,"

After she said that, she left with out another word. I never once thought a doctor could be so wise about love. It never crossed my mind. It's weird how everything she said, was true and everything she said, I have done for Cameron.

I stare at the wall at the end of my bed and soon see Cameron walk in with Matthew trailing behind him. Both coming up on either sides of my bed and sitting down. "What are you, body guards?" I laugh looking back and forth between them.

"Yeah, you could say that." Matthew smiles, standing up and giving me a nice warm hug, that I really did need. "Hey, can Cameron and I have a minute?" I ask Matt as he pulls away, he nods and walks out. I reach over and grab Cameron's hand. "Hey, Cam?" I ask as he gets up and sits on the edge of my bed, holding my hand with both of his.

He smiles. "Yes?" He asks and I smile, just hearing his voice is like music to my ears. "I love you, no matter what." I say sitting up and placing my arms around his neck. "I love you, Callie." He says slowly leaning in, closing his eyes as I close mine.

It seemed to be going in slow motion as our lips finally touched. I pull away and just hug him, barrying my face into his chest as he wraps his arms around me. "I never left," He whispers into my hair as I breath in his cologne.

"I know," I say into his chest as I feel his heartbeat on my cheek. The rythm of his, matching mine. "I never will, either." He says louder then before. "Cameron, don't tell me stuff I already know. I know that no matter what, we will end up, just like this. In each other's arms, where we belong." I say quietly as he kisses the top of my head.

I can feel a few of his warm tears falling onto my head, as he starts to breath deeper breaths. "I thought I was going to loose you, I really did. But god, he gave you back to me. There is no bigger relief then knowing the love of your life, won't die." He says, his voice cracking mulitple times. Tears welling in my eyes as I barry my face into his chest, his arms constricking around my waist tighter.

"You really just have no idea how much you mean to me. How greatful I am to see you, hold you and just love you. You're my everything, I never want to loose you. It would kill me and I just wouldn't be able to live with my self with out you here with me." He whispers. "Cameron, I know. Just focus on us right now. Nobody else but us." I say leaning back to look him in the eye.

"Will you do me a favor?" He asks looking away from me. "Even though I don't even deserve anything from you." He whispers playing with my hands. "Anything," I whisper lifting one hand up and wiping away the tears on his cheeks.

"Will you forgive me?"

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