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"I'm protecting you from me." Cameron whispers. "Cameron I.. You don't have to protect me. You aren't nothing to protect me from.. Please don't do this." I say moving my hands up to his cheeks and making him look at me.

"Callie... I don't deserve you. You deserve better. You deserve someone like Matt,"

As he says this I feel myself falling apart. My heart breaking.

"Matthew isn't you Cameron, he never will be. You're enough for me. Please, Cameron." I beg leaning in and pecking his lips.

"Callie I don't want to see you hurt anymore because of me." He whispers against my lips but not pulling away.

"Cameron, I'd die for you. Please." I say wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.

It takes a few moments but he finally wraps his arms around my waist tightly as he lays his chin on my shoulder.

"Please, just don't leave me. I can't handle it," I whisper, my lips brushing over the skin on his neck.

"It'll hurt me, more then anything. Please." I say weakly holding him tighter.

"I won't," He whispers kissing the side of my head. "I love you so much." He says softly.

"I love you Cameron." I say quietly placing my lips to the soft skin of his neck once.

"But we can't be together, I can't let you and I be together," I hear him whisper into my hair. Pain evident in his voice.

"Why Cameron? What did I do to deserve this?" I ask pulling away from him and sitting on the bed looking down at the floor as the tears just came.

"You haven't done anything, I just don't want to fuck up so bad one time and you leave me, forever. I'd rather have you in my life as a friend then nothing." He says and I scoff.

"Love is what you've been thru with somebody," I barely whisper shaking my head before standing up.

"Love is to be fought for Cameron. If you loved me, then you would try to make this work. But I'm done fucking trying." I snap pushing him out of my way and walking out of the hotel room.

I see Carter leaving the elevator and we immediately make eye contact. "Callie, what happened?" He asks me as he gets closer to me.

"Nothing, just have Nash bring my stuff out to California the next times he comes." I say passing him and entering the elevator.

Pulling my phone and headphones out of my pocket of my sweater and turning on my music on shuffle.

Sighing I lean against the cold metal wall of the elevator.

Cameron is all I can think about.

He's all I want. Why can't he want me? why doesn't  he want me? What did I ever do to loose him?

Sniffling I step out of the elevator and walk outside. Fans outside staring at me and I just push through them.

Hailing a cab and telling them to take me to the airport.

If Cameron doesn't want to try then I won't either. I won't force him to love me. Let alone be with me.

I'm done with Cameron Alexander Dallas.

(A/N- Yes I am aware it is extremely short but hey it's something.

I'll have a surprise updating spree soon but I won't say when :D Just look out for like many updates.(:

80+ votes for the next chapter (:

Stay beautiful - Sam Pottorff ♡♡

xxx Chyanneee)

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now